MATRIXSYNTH: "A small Eurorack oscillator that packs a punch" // Cycle 5 from Joranalogue

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

"A small Eurorack oscillator that packs a punch" // Cycle 5 from Joranalogue

video upload by DivKid

"Here we have the new Cycle 5 Eurorack oscillator from Joranalogue. It's relatively small at 6HP but as Joranalogue say "it packs a punch." It's a highly stable and precise device for tuning with the mid fine tune position giving the note C (this has been bang on my testing in a couple of cases) and has octave and fifth tuning switches, 2x v/oct inputs (so you don't need external precision adders) and on board variable waveform morphing."

00:00 Hello & patch previews
01:20 Feature run down
02:30 The beauty of dual v/oct inputs
04:53 Morphing variable waveshapes
06:59 Audio rate morphing - like FM/AM … but better!?
09:12 Reset - hard sync!
12:07 Self patching new waveshapes
14:13 Rich PWM & classic bass sounds
17:01 Audiorate PWM - one of my favourite techniques
20:56 LFO mode - complex drone modulation
23:31 Where’s the FM?

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Joranalogue Audio Design CYCLE 5 / a playthrough of this very useful VCO and LFO

video upload by BRiES

"It can be your standard basic go to VCO both to use in your patches and as a reference to tune everything else to. It has an octave switch that is both a performance tool as well as just damn useful in the studio.

The video is a bit longwinded, which usually seems to be the case with my videos lately, but I think I covered all the basics (and a bit more). Should I cut out the live patching next time?"

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