MATRIXSYNTH: Retroaktiv MPG7 Review & Demo // Why you'll want an MSK-7

Monday, November 18, 2024

Retroaktiv MPG7 Review & Demo // Why you'll want an MSK-7

video upload by Starsky Carr

"Retroaktiv have done it again, this time with a SuperQuartet/MPG-7 programmer that can also be used with your 106, or as a MIDI controller for whatever really... MIDI CC assigning means you can use it with pretty much anything.

It comes with all the usuals Retroaktiv extras, like patch saving (10 banks in here) plus setup saving... which saves patches independently of the stored patches.. so all-in-all you can save thousands!

Its got the amazing patch generator.. you can set it to generate pads, basses, pianos, strings, FX etc and control what parameters are used.

There's also assign slots to control up to 3 parameters at a time with either MIDI CC or aftertouch.

This massively opens up the MPG-7 - if you've got one you'll want one of these."

0:00 What does it do?
3:44 A Bass Note- its not like the other voices
5:13 MIDI Setup and Binaural Demo
7:12 Polychain for 12 notes
7:34 UI Overview
8:14 Some Differences to 106
10:45 Patch Generator
12:27 Assign Mode
15:04 Tip: Init Patch and Editing Presets
16:36 Espen's Krafted Patches
17:33 Sysex Send/Receive
18:20 Freeze
19:27 Chord Mode
19:56 Using MIDI CCs
21:18 Main UI Navigation
22:18 Rounding Up
23:00 Binaural Demo

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