MATRIXSYNTH: 🐋 Roland JX-10 (Super JX) 🐋 🎧 (no talking) 🎧

Friday, November 22, 2024

🐋 Roland JX-10 (Super JX) 🐋 🎧 (no talking) 🎧

video upload by Cutoff Frequency - gear stuff (no talking)

"This is a video demonstrating the sounds of the Roland JX-10 also known as the Super JX.

When I first heard this synthesizer I was blown away by the warmth of the sound. And to be honest, it still does. Once in a while I turn it on and indulge myself in its analog richness. I gives me strong associations with the Twin Peaks series, which I am a big fan of. It has a lot of cinematic qualities not present in other synths and it can even do some other nice stuff too. Released in 1985, this was the last analog synth from Roland until they recently released their JD series.

Thanks my love for playing so beautifully."

0:00 Pads
6:57 Brass
10:48 Bass
11:41 FX
15:41 Clavecimble
16:27 Hollow pads
19:36 FX

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