MATRIXSYNTH: Novation Summit | Moog Sub-37 - "Arpologies"

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Novation Summit | Moog Sub-37 - "Arpologies"

video upload by eM

"There's just something about these two synths. They truly are a happy marriage. They have their own sounds. I know many who owns synths perhaps have tried to dial in that specific sound against others, and they may come close, but its never to that exact "nichey"/"inkling" of depth that one or the other offers. It makes synths themselves give way to its own special existence for us all to explore. Some just offer longer relationships than others, but we'll never forget them as we move on or say good bye for a while, crossing the times to reminisce on the once was sounds that could potentially be had. Sometimes though having it again may not be the same, it was well for the season which it served in. Where as now there's just no parting with what you have determined to be one to carry you through many seasons."

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