MATRIXSYNTH: yoctocore - a midi to cv box

Sunday, December 08, 2024

yoctocore - a midi to cv box

video upload by infinitedigits

"yoctocore is the thing I've needed for years.

there are so many midi to cv boxes out there, but so few of them have 4 pitch/envelope pairs with a wide range of voltage (-5 to +10v). yoctocore has 8 cv outputs, each with a wide cv range, each that can be programmed to be 1) a midi to pitch, or 2) an envelope that triggers on any of the outputs), or 3) a lfo, or 4) a clock, or 5) a sequencer, or 6) a simple a block of code that runs on the beat, that you can define to be whatever you want.

also its entirely open-source ( so in case there is something you want to change, you can."

Also see yoctocore: first glimpse.

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