Showing posts with label Oncor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oncor. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Oncor Sound Inc Original Owners Manual LGS 6000/BGS 4000 The Touch Guitar Synth

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You can see one here (may not be safe for work for some).

"Oncor Sound Inc Original Owners Manual LGS 6000/BGS 4000 The Touch Guitar Synth 1979

Original factoery publication from 1979, if you own one of the 'the touch' guitar synth's this original owners manual is a must 11-pages"

What is a "Touch Guitar" Synthesizer?

The "Touch Guitar" is a unique approach to guitar synthesis eliminating the need for pitch correction. (Pitch extraction is a method whereby an electrical sensor determines string vibration and uses this pitch reference to drive and external synthesizer). The "Touch Guitar" allows the musician to play faster than other guitar synthesizers. The fret board on a lead "Touch Guitar" contains ninety-six touch-sensitive frets. These frets do not physically move to actuate fret position. Because of the lack of any physical movement these switches should last for the owner's lifetime. A musical will no longer need strings or mechanical tuning pegs. The strumming section uses a spring loaded strum bar. the tension on this bar simulates the plucking motion of a regular guitar.

The "Touch Guitar" is engineered for total synthesis from a self-contained unit. It offers all the possibilities of a regular guitar...

Synthesizer Controls
Octave Switch
Switch 1 - 10

Friday, December 23, 2016

1980 Oncor Sound BGS 4000 The Touch Vintage Electric Bass Guitar Synthesizer

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Poly Touch SN 00210 - Vintage 1979 Oncor Sound Inc Synth Electric Guitar

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"Oncor Sound of Salt Lake City sold guitar and bass synthesizers in the 1970s. The Oncor guitar synthesizer had 96 fret switches which determined which note would play when you struck one of the six "strum bars" laid out where you would normally strum the strings. It was a bit like playing a full size Guitar Hero controller

Synthesizer circuitry built into the instrument, let you mute, bend, hammer on, and infinitely sustain notes. The lack of strings however, meant that you couldn't get any real guitar sounds, and the intrument was not a commercial success."

Pics of the inside below.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

1980 ONCOR B.G.S. 4000 Bass Guitar Synthesizer “The Touch” Gerald Conway Ad

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

1980 ONCOR "Poly Touch" Stringless Guitar Synthesizer Jimmy Lowell [Spider] Ad

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Monday, October 01, 2012

1979 Vintage USA Oncor Sound LGS Touch 6000 Guitar Synthesizer

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More pics including some of the inside at the auction. A few captured below for the archives.

"This is a really nice 1979 Vintage Oncor Sound LGS Touch 6000 Guitar Synthesizer. This was one of the first of it's kind ever made, notice the low serial number~000158. Everything works fine, we had a lot of fun testing this out, all those knobs and switches make for endless tone combinations. All features work perfectly just as they should... There's a slight learning curve if you've never played a guitar synth. You touch the notes like fretting a regular guitar. You can pluck the strings or simply touch the round brass sensors at the end of the fretboard (please see Image 16) to sound the notes." [bottom pic below]

Sunday, February 19, 2012

ONCOR BGS 4000 bass synth

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"ONCOR BGS 4000 Bass "The Touch" that was made between 1979 to 1980 in salt lake city utah U.S.A MADE. They were only produce for only one year the serial number is #000114."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


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"Ad measures approx. 8"X10.5" inches."

See the seller's other items for more.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Rare Vintage ONCOR TOUCH Guitar Synthesizer

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"Vintage Orignal ONCOR Touch Guitar Synthesizer
with Input Pedal/ Cords and Controller Wah pedal
This guitar is very rare.
Salt Lake City, Utah U.S.A.
serial 000187"
via Brian Kehew
"These had trigger "strings" and separate switches across the fretboard. Don't know how they sound..."

Sold For: check back


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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