MATRIXSYNTH: Scentury Cedar

Showing posts with label Scentury Cedar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scentury Cedar. Show all posts

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Scentury Cedar Custom Luthier Wood Eurorack Cases

This one in via Ryan Gaston: "I'm contacting you today because I wanted to make you aware of a new Eurorack case luthier--a small carpentry shop in Booneville, AR (the town in which I grew up). Several months ago, I confronted them about making me a Euro case for my own use--they've been making gorgeous boutique furniture for years and I absolutely loved their visual aesthetic. So I helped them learn about modular synths, showed them where to get vector rails and threaded inserts, power supplies, etc. so that they could make me a case. They decided that it was fun and new enough that they want to continue to make and distribute these cases.

I want to stress that this is not made from wood purchased at a hardware store--these come from trees that this company has harvested purely based on each tree's unique imperfections. These trees were born and grew in Arkansas and are crafted into these gorgeous cases completely by hand and with a tremendous degree of attention to detail.

I'm not commercially affiliated with the company--they're just good friends and trusted people who are trying to branch their business in a new and interesting direction. They wanted me to check in to see about spreading the word, so I thought I'd send you an E-mail in case you're interested in sharing the information.

For any inquiries, you can contact Kim from Scentury Cedar at:

Or I'm glad to relay any messages that you send to me here or to"

Note this is the first Scentury Cedar post.


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