MATRIXSYNTH: TheTechnobear

Showing posts with label TheTechnobear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TheTechnobear. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Orac's Krell - demo of a new way to use Orac

video upload by TheTechnobear

"Over the last few months Ive been collaborating with Electra One.

They have recently made their firmware open source, and I wanted to write a custom firmware for Orac to allow a new way to interact with Orac running on any platform.

This video is of the patch I made for their booth at this years Superbooth (2021) , showing Orac running on a Terminal Tedium.

This firmware will also work on the rPI, Organelle and other Orac platforms.

The patch is a generative patch based on the 'Krell Patch', which uses continually looping envelopes that change randomly over time.
these envelopes are used for many aspects, including note generator, amplitude and also also various parameters affecting timbre and filtering.

This was implemented by creating new Orac modules that contained these new 'krell' envelopes.

a fun patch to just let do its own thing, and tweak as you go along.

(I also had the patch running on the Organelle-M at Superbooth)"

Additional Orac posts

Additional Electra One posts

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Orac 2.0 Overview and new features

Published on Apr 10, 2019 TheTechnobear

"version 2, of my open source virtual modular.

this release aims to :

- bring orac to more musicians
- be easier to use
- be more flexible

in this video, I describe what's change and demonstrate many of the new features.
Orac now runs not only on the Organelle (like 1.0), but also a Raspberry PI, and a couple of different Eurorack modules.

This video concentrates on the key features, there will be a couple of short videos covering how to use on a RaspberryPI and Eurorack modules.

06:05 - Remote Control
07:58 - Pd patch remote
09:46 - Push2
11:12 - Functional changes ( showed on Organelle)
11:30 - Router
14:54 - Main Controls
15:29 - MIDI Interaction (Active OG Keyboard)
16:49 - Group modules
17:20 - Presets
18:43 - Modulation
19:28 - Modulation Bus
21:32 - Modulation Macro Controls
22:00 - Sample Management
23:55 - MPE
24:29 - Graphics
25:37 - Scope
27:01 - Final thoughts

(thanks to Antonio for providing me with the timings :) )

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Orac - What is it?

Published on Apr 9, 2019 TheTechnobear

"I'm just about to release Orac 2.0 :)

this short video is a quick demonstration about what Orac is, a taster of what it can do, and how you can use it.

for release: Ive got a what's new for Orac 2.0 video, and also some tutorial videos on how to set it up etc.

I hope the video is not too confusing,
there is a lot of things going on , and frankly its quite hectic for me trying to think about 4 orac devices at once ...
you really only need one :)

Orac 2.0 will support the following platforms:
- Organelle
- Raspberry PI3
- Qubit Nebulae v2 (eurorack)
- Bela Salt (eurorack)"

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