Being You from djmrex on Vimeo.
"DJMREX is Cyrusrex and Douglas J. McCarthy.
'Being You' from EP1, now available on iTunes, Amazon, etc.
'Being You' Video created on modular video systems by Nick Ciontea -"
Note this is the first brownshoesonly post.
You can also find the release on
The following two videos are from the making of the EP followed one more video of the system.
DJMREX, RETREAT - EP1 SEQUENCE from djmrex on Vimeo.
"Cyrus working on the initial sequence for RETREAT, a new track on the upcoming EP1"
DJMREX, RETREAT - EP1 VOCALS from djmrex on Vimeo.
And one more DJMREX's modular system:
DJMREX from djmrex on Vimeo.
Image below via DJMREX on Facebook