Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Guess The Moog - New Flickr Shot

Online Synth

Title link takes you to a simple subractive online synth. You edit it, press the synthesize button and a wav of the sound downloads. Via Music Thing.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Weblog Award Time!

1 day left. If you were waiting for the last minute to vote, now is it. Feed your habit. : ) Remember this blog is new and is on one topic only. Check out my Blogroll on right pane for my favorite sites worth voting for. You can vote for up to three for each category and four for Weblog of the Year.

"From now until 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5) on Tuesday, January 10, 2005, anyone can nominate their favorite weblogs."

ElectroPlankton Released

Wow, it seems forever ago since I posted on the ElectroPlankton. Well according to Create Digital Music, the game will finally be available in the US. Hmm... Might be time to finally pick up that Nintendo DS.

Two Latronic Notron Sites

Title link takes you to the TecnoMage Latronic Notron Site. Note this is the same host for LIFE. Just like the way that sounds. ; ) The Latronic Notron is a rare and somewhat exotic step sequencer. You can find an overview of the Notron on SOS.

The second site worth checking out is the synthservices page, which has manuals for download and upgrade information if you were lucky enough to score one of these before they disappeared.

Roland Service Bulletins

Title link takes you to a number of Roland Service Bulletins hosted on Make sure to track back to the root of the site for more. BTW, if you're looking for M64C or M16C carts, it looks like he had a couple as of September 05.

The Crumar Spirit on Sound on Sound

The Crumar Spirit came up on the AH mailing list recently and non other than Gordon Reid posted a link the the SOS article on the Crumar Spirit. SOS is a great resource in that they post many of their reviews free of charge online.

"Nevertheless, Crumar singularly failed to make it into the big league, so when they announced the Spirit in 1983, nobody took any notice. The world's interest was only marginally more piqued when Crumar let it be known that Jim Scott (one of the co-designers of the Minimoog), Tom Rhea (another Moog employee best known for writing many of Moog's synthesizer manuals) and none other than Bob Moog himself had helped design it. And that's a shame, because, as you will see, the Spirit is one of the most complex, challenging, and -- above all -- powerful monosynths ever produced."

Non-Linear Digital Implementation of the Moog Ladder Filter

Title link takes you to pdf.


Meet the Little Infinite Frequency Expander. Title link takes you there.

"LIFE is essentially a compact self-contained hand held inspirational tool for everybody interested in the creation of sound. It is difficult to describe the sounds that LIFE can produce, words such as… "organic", "unexpected", "ambient", "hypnotic", "subtle", "analogue", "fun", and other expletives have been used by musicians who have used the device , usually followed by "can I keep it ?" and "how much ?".

Fractal Blue Electric Blue Voyager

Trip, the stary black below is the actual finish.

"The Electric Blue Voyager is housed in a fractal blue solid ash cabinet. At first it looks black but as one draws near the fractal blue flecks pop out in an eye catching display."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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