Friday, July 27, 2007

MOOG Minimoog

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.


"Pondular is a unique way of interacting with a synth. The grid on the screen is your “pond.” Playing notes or clicking creates ripples in the pond."

Title link takes you to the download. via

DSI Evolver Demo

Title link takes you to and mp3 showcasing the filter, via Stefan Trippler.

Casio DG20 Guitar Synth

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.

roland jx-3p

flickr by -hi-no-to-ri-mo-rt-al-.

click here for the full size shot.

Guess the other synth.

The Sonica with Serge Oscillator

Remember The Sonica? Looks like one is up for auction. Title link takes you to the shots.

Note this one and the Black Coffee below is a bit of a fund raiser.

"Up for auction here is the very rare Frank Eventoff Sonica. It's a one oscillator analog synth built into a wood guitar shaped controller. The oscillator was built by Serge electronics. Yes the same who build high end modular synths! It has its own speaker and runs on a regular 9v battery. It's about 18" long. It's number 276 out of 650. With this instrument you are officially the King or Queen of the hippie synth nerds (certificate not included).

Here's a link to the entertaining history of the Sonica.

This unit for auction is in very good shape cosmetically and works 100%. However because of the age of the electronics, it's being sold as-is. I already fixed a bad solder joint on the fretboard. You will probably have to do the same some time in the future. The fretboard flexes slightly even with a light touch. Solder joints don't like flexing. If the Sonica sounds continuously without you touching it, heat up the solder joints on the fret board and it will fix it. It's just the way the Sonica is designed. At least I told you about it and how to fix it, you'll notice no other sellers of Sonicas mentioned it. Also, some of what look like scratches in the pics are just reflections from the light.

You get the Sonica, its custom case, instruction manual and blank warranty card.

Sorry about the watermarking on the photos below, it's a necessity now because of scammers that ebay seems to tolerate.

So you can rationalize your gear lust: you're helping me pay to get rid of a brain tumor. You're not a gearhead, you're a humanitarian!"

Note I usually shy away from posting images with watermarks. If you have an auction with great shots and watermarks and you are wondering why I haven't posted it, that's probably why. Just shoot me an email and I'll post it. BTW, I'll post anything on Matrixsynth-b regardless of the shots, so feel free to send them in.

Analog Solutions Black Coffee Phobos

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.

"Analogue Solutions Phobos Black Coffee analog modular synth. It's a whole analog synth with VCO, VCF, VCA, Ring Mod, White Noise, Ext. Audio in to filter, and LFO. It sounds great and is more versatile than you might think from looking at it. Just about every knob has two or three functions.

Here's a review of the module
The unt for auction here DOES NOT have the MIDI-CV module.
Synthesiser Features
VCO (Saw/Square)
LFO (Square/Triangle)
VCF 24db/oct (4pole) Moog Ladder Style LPF
EG (A, switchable Sustain, D/R)
White Noise
Ring Modulator

Sockets - all 3.5mm
VCO (Pitch CV In, PW CV In, Sync In)
VCF (Audio Input, Cut Off CV In, EG, Trigger In)
LFO (Square Wave Out)
VCA (Audio Out)

Front Panel Rotary Controls (AKA Pots)
VCO (Tune, Mix, VCF)
Cut (Resonance, EG Depth)
EG (Attack, Decay)
LFO (Frequency, Depth)
VCA (Volume)

Front Panel Switches - built into the Pots
(Tune) LFO Mod on/off
(MIX) Mix Source A/B
(CutOff) LFO Mod on/off
(EG Depth) Cross Mod on/off
(LFO Depth) LFO Waveform select
(Volume) EG/ Thru/Gate select

Front Panel Toggle Switches
VCO Pitch Sweep - high/off/low
MIX Source
PWM Source - LFO / off / EG
Ring Mod Source - External Audio / LFO
Sustain - In / Out
VCA Mode - Thru / Gate (only active when Volume pot switch is on (out).

Front Panel LED Indicators
EG Trigger
LFO Frequency"

Casio Brochures

Title link takes you to shots of various Casiotones via this auction. Anyone know more about the 101? Analog? Digital?

360 Systems MIDI Bass

Title link takes you to shots via this auction. Note the copyright in the bottom picture.

Blondie's Roland Juno-60?

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.

"Blondie: I found inside this set of musical instruments an interest note from Nigel Harrison ex “Blondie”, what show me that this set could be from Blondie’s band (see last picture)."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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