Friday, May 26, 2006

EMS Synthi 100 on the Bay

That's one heck of a mod matrix.

Title link takes you to shots pulled from this auction.

Electronic Music Studios (EMS) Synthi 100 Analogue Synthesizer in pristine condition. The Synthi 100 is fitted with two patch panels with two 60x60 matrix boards, one for the signals and one for the voltages.
This is a list with the modules:

12 x Voltage Controlled Oscillator.
x Noise Generator.
3 x Ring Modulator.
4 x Voltage Controlled Low Pass Filter.
4 x Voltage Controlled High Pass Filter.
3 x Trapezoid Envelope Generator.
2 x Voltage Controlled Reverberation.
Octave Filter Bank
Slew limiter.
Envelope Follower.
Pitch to Voltage Converter.
8 x Input Amplifier.
9 x Stereo Output Amplifier.
2 x Joysticks.
2 x5 Octave Dynamic Keyboards.
3 256 Step Digital Sequencer.
Oscilloscope (not on the picture).
Frequency meter counter.

Starting Bid of 60k.

This one via Michael Tritter.


flickr by brian siskind.

WC Olo Garb in the Park - New Flickr Shot

flickr by polaranta. Click through more. And of course:

Yamaha CS70M

It's interesting that Yamaha had three distinct CS lines of synths. There's the CS5, CS10, CS15, and CS30 mono synths, the CS20M, CS40M, and CS70M, the CS50, CS60 and CS80 and of course the grand daddy of them all... The kick ass CS1X! - well, it actually is a fun little synth for the money. If you ever wondered what the CS70M sounded like, title link takes you there. There are a couple more shots as well. So why did Yamaha do this?

Studio 303 - 303 & 606 Movie

Title link takes you there. Mov link is at the bottom of the page.

Update via Fiercefish on AH:
"A few folk have enquired if the 606 is modded so here is how the clip was recorded.

The 606 is actually unmodded but it is going into a 4" Yamaha mono powered monitor via the mix in of the 303, the way it sounds is due to the way the mic in the Sony Clie picked it up when recording. I'd recommend miking the 606 thru a small speaker though as it can sound quite good. Also the phasey type character to the sound is due to me moving the Clie whilst recording. There was no fx or eq used either, it was literally 606-> 303 mix in, 303 out -> Yamaha powered monitor -> Sony Clie UX50 PDA mic."

Roomba MIDI Vacuum

Yep... Title link takes you to more. Via Music Thing via todbot.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Catching up with

I've been wondering what happened to Moogulator's as I haven't been getting any new posts on my bloglines feed. Moogulator asked me to update his link directly to For some reason I didn't make the connection that the blog feed might change as well, so... I missed quite a bit. Title link takes you to Check it out. There are quite a few posts including the Dewtron synthesiser Apollo A1 + Gipsy. Gotta like that. : )

MC-202 Rack

Title link takes you to more info, shots and samples. cykong, MIDI mod.

Blue Monday on YouTube


Click image to launch. I see a MicroKorg. Via this VSE thread.

Stylinghead Studio - New Flickr Shot

flickr by stylinghead. Title link takes you to more.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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