MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Waldorf Quantum Tim Shoebridge

Showing posts sorted by date for query Waldorf Quantum Tim Shoebridge. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Waldorf Quantum Tim Shoebridge. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, September 07, 2020

Waldorf Iridium & Quantum Compared

Tim Shoebridge

"In this video I take a look at the Waldorf Iridium and how it compares to the Quantum. This is not a detailed review of the Iridium, my assumption is that you already know something about the Quantum and want to know how these two synths differ."

Monday, August 10, 2020

Importing Samples to the Waldorf Quantum & Iridium

Tim Shoebridge

"Here is a quick video showing the method I follow generally to import samples into the Quantum and begin to use them in patches. The same method applies equally to the Iridium."

Friday, July 24, 2020

STEEL for Waldorf Quantum & Iridium

Tim Shoebridge

"I am very pleased to present to you my latest sample library for the Waldorf Quantum and Iridium. This library contains recorded samples of a steel-strung acoustic guitar. There are just over 240Mb of stereo samples in total, spread across three basic playing techniques.

For more information and to purchase and download the library please visit my website here:"

Friday, June 26, 2020

"KALEIDOSCOPE" - A Demo Track for Waldorf Quantum & Iridium

Tim Shoebridge

"For the past month or so I have been working on a new combined Preset & Sample Library for the Waldorf Quantum and Iridium called "Evo". Evo utilises samples that I recorded from one of my favourite hybrid synthesisers, originally released over 18 years ago. This video showcases a demo track called Kaleidoscope that I put together solely using Evo presets - you are only hearing the Waldorf Quantum apart from the drum tracks. I'm only using digital filters for this track, so the sound will be the same for the Iridium also. Evo will be released very soon, I'm just working on the finishing touches."

Thursday, June 11, 2020

VA Pads for Waldorf Quantum

Tim Shoebridge

"VA Pads is a combined sample and preset library for uploading to a Waldorf Quantum synthesiser. The samples are stereo recordings from virtual analogue hardware synths dating back 20 years. For more information and to purchase this library, please click on the following link:"

Friday, May 08, 2020

Waldorf Quantum Revisited

Published on May 8, 2020 Tim Shoebridge

"It will soon be a year since I first bought the Waldorf Quantum, and it's been over seven months since I made my last video on it. So here after all this time is another look at this flagship hybrid polyphonic synthesiser from Waldorf, this time running v2 firmware."

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Waldorf Quantum vs Analogue

Published on Sep 15, 2019 Tim Shoebridge

"Here is my fifth short video on the Waldorf Quantum hybrid synthesiser. In this video I consider how the Quantum might stack up against a fully analogue synth such as the Prophet 6 in terms of sound qualities."

Tim Shoebridge Quantum videos

Waldorf Quantum - The Waveform Oscillator

Published on Aug 25, 2019 Tim Shoebridge

"Here is my fourth video on the Waldorf Quantum synthesiser, this time looking at ts waveform generator algorithm."

Tim Shoebridge Quantum videos

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Waldorf Quantum - A Preset Interlude

Published on Aug 24, 2019 Tim Shoebridge

"Here is my third video on the Waldorf Quantum, this time just taking sometime out to play a few presets that I have put together as I explore the synthesiser..."

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Waldorf Quantum - Wavetable Oscillator

Published on Aug 10, 2019 Tim Shoebridge

"Here is my second video on the Waldorf Quantum synthesiser, this time looking at some of its wavetable synthesis capabilities."

Waldorf Quantum Tim Shoebridge videos

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Discovering the Waldorf Quantum #1

Published on Aug 4, 2019 Tim Shoebridge

"Here is the first in a new series of videos which take a very personal look at the Waldorf Quantum hybrid polyphonic synthesiser."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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