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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query brokenwave. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2024

AM1031 Multipurpose Filter

video upload by O.Z. Hall

0:00 - Intro
1:02 - Front Panel Controls
2:15 - History and Description
3:18 - ARP 1047 vs AM1031 - Peak Mode
4:09 - A/B audio test 1 - Notch based phase shifter sound
5:52 - A/B audio test 2 - Notch vs Peak with varying Resonance (Q)
9:46 - Conclusion

"Buy Me a Patch Cable

This video examines the AMSynths AM1031 Multipurpose Filter. This state variable filter was created by Dennis Collin who also created the ARP 1047 Multimode Filter. The two filters are similar, but the 1031 includes an addition response called Peak.

My 1047 video, part 1
Behringer ARP 2500 1047 Multimode Filter Part1 - Resonator/Percussion [posted here]

None of these links are affiliate links.

The AM1031 product page.

AMSynths Plans 2024 - Ten ARP 2500 Modules! [posted here]

Demo of the Peak response of the
Triangulum Research AT 327, which is a 2018 clone of the AR 327 Aries module. [below]

AT 327 basic demo

video upload by brokenwave

"This is a simple demonstration of the AT-327 Multimode Filter from Triangulum Research.
The AT-327 is a multimode filter based on the Aries AR-327; a filter designed by Dennis Colin in 1975 for Aries Inc. in Massachusetts. Dennis Colin designed many important filters for ARP, Aries, and Oberheim, but the Aries filters are hard to come by. Their design is similar to that of the ARP 1047, but was simplified to reduce cost and make use of newer components that had come on the market as of 1975.
I have a particular fondness for the rich and sometimes gristly analog timbres produced by the Aries System 300 modules, and as challenge to myself, decided to adapt their designs to the very popular eurorack standard. This is the first character in the series."

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