MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for marsynth

Showing posts sorted by date for query marsynth. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query marsynth. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Marsynth On Flickr

"Currently on sale at Transistor in Chicago IL:"

New video in this video post.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Marsynth Morris Box Demo 1

YouTube via marsynth | December 13, 2010

Update: video description added:
"Just finished a new batch of units last week!

This is just a simple demo of a morris box with no effects. This particular unit is in a slightly different configuration from other morris boxes, and its fun!

This unit, along with two others, will be on sale at Transistor in Chicago soon. Check out their website here:

Also, be sure to check out marsynth on flickr:

A proper marsynth website is now under construction and should be up soon!

As always, thanks for watching!"

Marsynth Morris Box Demo 2

marsynth | December 14, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes

"Here's a video of another morris box that was finished last week.

This time, I'm running the morris box through an empress super delay. I've always loved this combo, so I figured it was about time I shot some footage of them together.

This unit, along with two others, will be on sale at Transistor in Chicago soon. Check out their website here:

Also, be sure to check out marsynth on flickr:

A proper marsynth website is now under construction and should be up soon!

As always, thanks for watching!"

Monday, November 08, 2010

Marsynth prototype testing

YouTube via marsynth | November 08, 2010

"Finally some new stuff to share!

Running a recently completed Morris Box through a new prototype. This will be the first Marsynth device with an external input for running whatever you want through it: guitar, vocals, other Marsynth stuff... anything!

This video highlights the more chaotic capabilities of the device. Footage of smoother and more subtle capabilities coming soon.

As always, thanks for watching!"

Friday, September 24, 2010

Marsynth modular buchla test 2

YouTube via marsynth | September 24, 2010

"Another video of the buchla LPG getting taken through its paces (still on the breadboard... I need to actually finish this thing sometime...).

This video also features some new(ish) modules for my system that I finished over the summer: my eight-step circle sequencer (providing the main melody/groove line), and my 4x4 grid sequencer (providing randomness to the poppy/clicky part) (there you go electro-music diy folks, better late than never right?).

Effects include delay via an empress super delay, reverb via my mixing board, and overall audio shittyness via my cell phone's mic.

Thanks again for watching!"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Marsynth Morris Box Testing

YouTube via marsynth | September 14, 2010

"Just another quick video shot from my phone. This time I'm testing out a new unit: the Marsynth Morris Box. This synth is made of two oscillators, a filter, and an lfo with pwm, all housed in a cigar box. The synth is being run through a healthy dose of reverb, and then picked up by the shitty microphone in my phone (good enough for youtube I guess...).

Currently, all Marsynth products are still being sold locally here in Lawrence KS ( ), although I hope to be setting up a website soon . I try to keep up with posting pictures of every unit made here: although I've been slacking recently.

Thanks for watching!"

Monday, August 16, 2010

Marsynth modular

YouTube via marsynth | August 16, 2010

"I recently got a new phone that shoots decent video, so I figured I'd try to post something while testing it out.

This is where the ideas for new marsynth products come from: my modular system. This system is entirely hand made by myself, and a majority of the module designs are originals as well. Most marsynth products are simply derived from various patches.

In this video, I'm testing out an adaptation of the classic buchla 292 low pass gate."

Monday, February 08, 2010

Marsynth Holiday Synth Unit 3

YouTube via marsynth

"Here's a few shots and sounds from the newest Marsynth Holiday Synth. The last marsynth demo was a totally dry mix (aside from some milk...), so I decided to throw in some reverb on this one for a change.

All sounds are from the Holiday Synth. Other equipment used: mixing board with dsp reverb and an led bike light.

Currently, Marsynth products are only being sold locally here in Lawrence KS, although I hope to have some up on ebay soon!

For more info, please check out the following:
Marsynth on flickr:
Contact Marsynth:

Thanks for watching!"

Wednesday, January 06, 2010


YouTube via marsynth
"A synthesizer for the holidays! This unit was made as a gift for a friend; I will be building a few similar, but not identical, units over the next few weeks and will be putting them up for sale (somewhere...).

The audio from the synth was run into a mixer and then recorded with no effects or additional processing.

All sounds besides those from the synth were dubbed for fun!

Everybody loves synths and cookies! Happy Holidays!"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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