MATRIXSYNTH: Four Gorgeous Synths

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Four Gorgeous Synths

Gorgeous shots of an SCI Prophet 10, Moog Minmoog, Yamaha DX1, and Octave CAT pulled from these auctions. Links below takes you to the set for each.

Prophet 10





  1. Wow - those ARE beautiful... but a bit spendy. I don't think I've seen a DX1 go for over $3k... especially since it's really no different sound-wise than two DX7s (which can be had for $300 these days).

    But museum pieces they are indeed!

  2. True about the DX1. What's fascinating about it though is how substantial the DX1 looks and must feel to play. It apparently has a really nice keyboard. I always thought the physical package of the DX7 did not do it justice. The DX1 turns it into a mammoth and substantial synth that would be as gratifying to play as a Rhodes Chroma, Matrix-12, Prophet T8 and the like. If I could pick any DX that would definitely be the one.

  3. Oh I agree - I've lusted after a DX1 for a looong time - and I do think that the sum would be greater than the parts. I played on WAY back in 1984/5 at the music store that I bought my paltry DX9 at.

    I think I'll take that $8k they want for the DX1 and buy a Matrix12, a T8, AND a Chroma, though. ;->

    For the BIG DX sound, the best deal is a TX816 - I loved mine back in the day.

    PS - loved your ad in the back of Keyboard!!!!

  4. Thanks! Funny, I was wondering if anyone would see it. : )


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