Monday, January 08, 2007

Korg EX-800

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction.

Korg Poly-800 rack

"The EX-800 is a programmable synth-module that works as a sound source for any MIDI keyboard (DW8000, Poly-80011, RK100, etc.) or other MIDI control device such as computer or synthesizer. For real versatility, it responds to eight kinds of MIDI data: key data, pitch bends, modulation, sequencer clock, program change, volume, computer dump, and active sensing. The MIDI THRU jack allows series connection with additional EX-800s or other MIDI units.

This is an easy way to add extra musical power to your system with but a small investment. The EX-800 has eight voices, 64-program memory, and a built-in 256-step polyphonic sequencer. Dual DCOs and triple ADBSSR DEGs permit rich tonal variation and flexible envelope shaping. There's even a tape interface."


  1. matrix,

    great blog, but far too many links to ebay auctions... :(

  2. If the same exact posts minus the auction links were there would it be too much?

  3. Hello

    I´d say that _some_ auctions could be there, on VERY rare items, but I believe that there are too many as it is now, but that´s just my humble opinion...


  4. Agreed... EX-800s, BassStations, Juno-106s? C'mon, nothing new there...

  5. You are doing a sterling job and I agree this blog could lose the modern jap stuff and become even better. Thanks.

  6. I think if you don't like the ebay links, skip'em! I rarely check out the auctions, but i've done it before. They're harmless and they give a feeling that this blogger is on top of his game. I think most of your readers will feel the same.
    thanks for running my favorite blog!

  7. Yeah, it's best to just skip the posts you don't like. Think of them as filler. This site is like a huge appetizer bar with a few decent meals. Snack on what you like and skip what you don't like.

    I was on the fence with this particular post and originally skipped it but I kept coming back to it for some reason. I finally figured out why. What did I like about it? Call me bizarre, but the combination of the manual and accessories along with the synth did it for me. I didn't know there were accessories for it. Most of the time I try not to comment about why I put things up in the post because I don't want to bias what someone might take away from it. I try to only comment when the comment is the purpose of the post.

    As for all Ebay posts, I'm primarily just grabbing all the decent (larger and higher resolution) shots for flickr. I do try to skip some of the mundane, but I still like old poly analogs and some digital synths. For whatever reason, it never gets old to me and I've been tracking them for years. It's not about it being new, but more about just seeing and appreciating them for what they are.

    I put up a post to let you know the shots are there in case you want to check them out. I put up the auction link so you know where they came from, and as a courtesy to the seller (if I'm going to grab their shots, the least I can do is promote their auction). As for the affiliate link, I'd be an absolute idiot if I didn't make the courtesy links affiliate links. It doesn't cost the seller a dime.

    Again, the primary reason I put these up is just to archive the images. Everything else is secondary.

    Just pass on the pimentos if you don't like them.

  8. The EX800 is such a nice, inexpensive way to add uniqueness to your sound. Even better if you can find one with the moog slayer mod already done to it.


  9. Matrix. I think the most important thing is just post what you like. :) We can always skip stuffs to suit our own taste. L U R V E this blog!

  10. why not have the Ebay links open in a seperate window?

    that way you are still in the
    main blog and can close the
    Ebay link without have to
    go back in the browser...



Note: comments that insult people will be removed. Critique on gear is allowed. Do not ask if listings are still available. Click through auction links to check yourself. Posts and pics remain for historical purposes. To reduce spam, comments for posts older than one week are not displayed until approved (usually same day).


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