MATRIXSYNTH: Oberheim Four Voice with MIDI

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oberheim Four Voice with MIDI

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction. Sent my way via Boris.

"Serial# 0569 Comes with Encore Electronics 8 channel Midi CV converter with all the necessary cables to midi the 4 voices. Comes with carrying case with wheels but needs new foam. The 4 voice was one of the first polyphonic synths. Each of the 4 Synthesizer Expander Modules ( SEMs ) can be assigned to a different note. Splitting voices between modules is also possible. So is a monophonic unison mode. A single voice is surprisingly powerful, offering 2 oscillators, 2 envelopes (1 for filter, 1 for volume), an LFO, pulse width modulation and a multimode filter with sweepable mode (which few synths offered). The programmer module allows fast saving and recall of programmed sounds. Unbelievably FAT and warm. Even a single SEM kicks a$$ - This is REAL analog! In unison mode, it allows EIGHT oscillators per key. 4 x Synthesizer Expander Module ( SEM ) Keyboard Output module Polyphonic Keyboard module Programmer module "

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