Showing posts with label Oberheim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oberheim. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Erica Synths Nightverb Demo (no talking) with OB-6 Synth

video upload by Bonedo Synthesizers

Saturday, February 15, 2025

4° ~ Aja⁴s ~ Blue Touch ~ Oberheim OB 12 ~ Multi Mode (4 channels)

video upload by Ebotronix

Oberheim OB 12,
Doepfer R2m,3x,
Isla Instruments,Kordbot,
iConnectivity mioXM,
Yamaha MCS 2,FC 7,
Strymon Big Sky MX, controlled by,
ATO Faderbank 16 n , with Midi CC,
Major Scale,
vid # 2472

Thursday, February 13, 2025


video upload by Synth Cloud


"Funky Leads & Basses is a sound bank based on the typical sounds of the 80th era, some synth basses, typical lead instruments and some modern trends... 62 new presets!"

Das Boot Soundtrack ~ Vintage Synthesizer Recreation ~ RetroSound

video upload by RetroSound

"(c)2007-25 by RetroSound
supported by UVI:

❤️ Support #RetroSound​ channel:

One of my favorite movie soundtracks from the early 80s
Das Boot by Klaus Doldinger (1981)

Featured the Oberheim OB-X Synthesizer, the Moog Source, the Minimoog and the Emulator II for some sound samples

This cover song series contains my own recreations of my favourite songs from the last 50 years. The original music from which I take inspiration belong to their respective owners. I recreate tracks only for personal passion and to pay homage to these tracks.

My intention is not to create covers that sound exactly like the original (if you want to hear identical sounds, please listen the original). It's more of an inspiration with my sounds from the old synthesizers from the past and of course the great appreciation for the original performers and producers."

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


video upload by Noir Et Blanc Vie

"So let's have some fun, I always loved seeing when certain synths were used as props in movies and TV, let me tell you, finding some of these scenes was hard and in the middle of 30 minute long ALF episodes. So honestly I hope you enjoy! If you can name any scenes please put it in the comments section, if there are enough I'll do a part 2."

See the Synth TV and Film label below for additional posts. You can find a list of 51+ appearances in this post from 2007. Note some of the videos are unfortuanately no longer available since then, but the list is there if you want to look them up.

Oberheim TEO-5 w/Adam B - 3 #synth #synthesizer #synthwave #synthpop #musicproduction #sounddesign

video upload by Kraft Music

Sound Design on Oberheim Xpander #experimentalmusic #sounddesign

video upload by MATTIA CUPELLI

Monday, February 10, 2025

Oberheim TEO 5 / Funky Leads & Basses

video upload by Arty Party

"Please check my new patches bank for Oberheim TEO 5 - Funky Leads & Basses. I have compiled and processed the most characteristic sounds of styles such as Funk, Soul, R&B, among others and some trends from the 80s.
The Mod Wheel changes different characteristics of the sounds, it is more noticeable in some patches."

Oberheim DX w/ Factory Midi SN H50533

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this listing

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Oberheim OB 8 & DSX Sequencer w/Flight Case SN C30712 & A54504

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this listing

Saturday, February 08, 2025

ACME XP60 - Oberheim Xpander Clone In the Works

Spotted this one on

The following is Google translated from the article:

"The ACME XP60 has set itself an extremely ambitious goal: the polyphonic synthesizer is to be nothing less than a 'faithful replica' of one of the greatest vintage classics: the Oberheim Xpander. The project by developer Markus Malik, who has so far offered modifications, replacement boards and repairs, is actually already in an advanced phase.

ACME XP60 - a compact Xpander

Admittedly, given the name ACME, you might think that the whole project is just another hoax report that comes around every year. But the XP60 is real and the electronics of the prototype are ready, although according to Malik there is still some need for optimization in the layout of the circuit board and the power supply.

Like its role model, the XP60 is also a six-voice analog synthesizer. However, the design is smaller, because the device, which actually has a desktop format, also fits in a 19" rack.
Not only the structure of the sound generation was adopted, but also the operating concept with the three displays. One improvement, however, are the controls with LED rings, whose colors can be customized.

For the sound generation, modern counterparts (clone chips) of the CEM3374 (Dual VCO) and CEM3372 (VC Mix-VCF-VCA) circuits used at the time are used. As a reference, developer Markus Malik was able to build the voice cards for the prototype with original oscillator ICs. In blind tests with mixed operation, no differences could be found between the original and clone chips.

There were also attempts to discretely recreate the circuit of the IC with transistors, but despite adjusted values, there were no satisfactory results in terms of temperature stability and FM, so this approach was not pursued further.

Doepfer, among others, has shown that the implementation of the complex multimode filter with its 15 different filter types can be successful with the A-106-6 XP VCF module.

Initially, no new firmware was written, but the original OS was used during development. The firmware is very complex, as envelopes, LFOs and other modulation options are also implemented using software. Tom Oberheim's consent was requested for the use of the firmware.

If the original firmware is retained, this will also entail certain restrictions, as it does not include parameter control with MIDI CCs, for example, but only Sysex. The developer may not be able to avoid creating his own OS sooner or later.

A small series of 50 units is planned initially, but a continuation is not ruled out. Information on the release, distribution and, above all, the price of the ACME XP60 cannot be given at this time, as there are too many factors that could still influence this.

So there is still a lot to do and we will report on the further progress of development."

Stylophone CPM DS-2 and Oberheim TEO-5 Drone Synth Jam with Walrus Slöer Reverb Pedal 2/8/2025

video upload by

"A nice mellow ambient jam featuring the Oberheim TEO-5 with Walrus Audio Slöer Reverb Pedal, and the Stylophone CPM DS-2 with Korg NTS-1 providing flanger, ping pong delay and riser/shimmer reverb.

Bella helps out with the camera work too. 🐱"

Friday, February 07, 2025

The Story of the Oberheim OB-8

video upload by Johnny Morgan Synth Dreams

"A mini-doc on the Oberheim OB-8 Synthesizer and the state of the synthesizer market at the time of it's release."

Oberheim: Love to Los Angeles – Support for Musicians Affected by the Wildfires

via Oberheim

"The recent wildfires in Los Angeles County have caused immense loss and devastation. Although Oberheim's global headquarters are based in San Francisco, the tragedy has still struck close to home. Our Focusrite Group colleagues in El Segundo, good friends with whom we collaborate daily, are now coping with the aftermath of one of the worst natural disasters in US history. We’re all too aware that Los Angeles is not just a workplace—it’s a home where many of us have grown up, created, and drawn inspiration. We are heartbroken for our city and everyone affected.

For those who have lost their music and audio equipment in the fires, we want to offer support. We know that music is more than just a passion—it’s a way of life, a form of healing, and a source of connection. If you’ve lost Oberheim gear, we encourage you to let us know.

Please share your story with us by filling out the form on our website, linked below. We’ll be reviewing responses asap to determine how we can best support you in getting back to creating what you love.

To the wider community, we know that times like these call for solidarity and support. If you know someone impacted, please share this with them. Together, we can help rebuild and keep the music going."

You can find the form on Oberheim's website here.

Lets have some fun with Oberheim Teo-5 Synthesizer

video upload by James Dyson

"Lets have some fun with Oberheim Teo-5 Synthesizer
Cherry Audio CR-78 makes an appearance"

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Behind The Drums Ep 08 - Tears For Fears "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" Linndrum with Fairlight

video upload by Controlled Voltage Sound Labs

"A deep dive into how the drums were made on Tears For Fears' hit single 'Everybody Wants To Rule The World.' Video includes a re-creation of the drum beat using a Linndrum with sounds from the Fairlight CMI.

Hi Hat + Cabasa - Teletronix LA-2A + Lexicon 224 Hall Setting
Kick - Teletronix LA-2A
Snare - Teletronix LA-2A + AMS Reverb Short Gate"

10 Bass Synthesizers

video upload by ugufru

"Listen to these 10 synthesizers playing bass sounds!

Use headphones or a good subwoofer to actually hear the low-end response."

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Oberheim TEO-5 Compact Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer Demo

video upload by Sweetwater Soundcheck

"The Oberheim TEO-5 compact polyphonic analog synthesizer is your new must-have synth for on-the-go sonic exploration. Watch as Daniel Fisher showcases the wide range of sounds this synth can produce and goes over some of the features that Oberheim included with this product."

00:00 — Intro Synth Sound Samples
00:44 — TEO-5 Synth Features and Specs
01:47 — Outro

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Oberheim TEO-5 w/Adam B - 1 #synth #synthesizer #synthwave #synthpop #sounddesign

video upload by Kraft Music

Oberheim’s SEM sequenced with Metal Fetishist

video upload by Body Synths

"I had the opportunity to borrow an original Tom Oberheim SEM reissue from a friend and this video is a selection of some sounds I came up with. The 2 Metal Fetishists are in sync and being used as sequencers for the SEM’s pitch and gate CV inputs. Aside from that I tried to keep the patching to a minimum. What can I say about the SEM? it is very fun to play and it sounds absolutely amazing. I loved playing with the filter resonance to get classic Oberheim textures. As for the Metal Fetishist, sometimes I like using it as “just” a sequencer for my monophonic synths, so I thought this was a good opportunity to showcase how I do it. Feel free to ask questions in the comments. I hope you liked this one!

More info about the Oberheim SEM:

More info about the Metal Fetishist:"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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