MATRIXSYNTH: ARP Pro Soloist Interfacing

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

ARP Pro Soloist Interfacing

The ARP Pro Soloist keyboard has a 6 bit output; 4 bits chose one of 12 pitches, and the remaining 2 bits control the octave. The voice selector card for both the Pro Soloist and the Pro-DGX output a 5 bit code that selects one of the 31 presets, or "Off". Finally, there is an op-amp that buffers a voltage proportional to the output of the aftertouch sensor, and subbing a CV for this output will work even if the resistive strip is dried out and dead. Thus, your MIDI to CV converter should generate a 6 bit code for note-on/off, a 5 bit code for program change, and a CV for aftertouch, and the only thing on the ARP you'll have to touch to play it are the aftertouch destination routings, the vibrato/repeat rate knob, and the portamento on/off switch.

David Hillel Wilson
New England Synthesizer Museum."


  1. you said you wanted pics of this goldfilter thing when the winner got it. don't hold your breath. it's pretty bad looking imo. he's also been spamming all over the place announcing a future sale.

  2. Accurate Arp advice, though whatever you use get to do that conversion (someone said a custom PIC), the device in question would not really be considered a MIDI to CV converter.


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