MATRIXSYNTH: Steiner Parker Synthacon

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Steiner Parker Synthacon

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.


  1. buy it now for $1200! wow, how can they do that with.. EVERYTHING! SCAM...again, perhaps whoever runs this blog is the scammer? seems obvious, or gross negligence? still sending folks to bid on the same scam repeatedly could be a legal mess or jail time, i'd guess

  2. I was gearing up to fire off a "WTF troll" and then got this:

    This listing (190106746962) has been removed or is no longer available.

    FFS Matrix. I won't bother saying anything that goes against you cause I'll just wind up with your groupies on my back until you delete it.

  3. Guys, how many times do I have to tell you, I DO NOT POST THESE FOR THE AUCTIONS SAKE. I'm just grabbing the shots and info before they go to limbo. And, yeah, I was kind of curious what kind of reaction the details would get. :) Seriously guys, do you actually want me to point something that obvious out? That would make the post crap. It's about the synths, the images and the info, not scams or other garbage.

  4. If it was really about the images, you'd just put up the images.
    You get paid for clickthrus to Ebay whether the auction is valid or not.
    It's why you don't say they're scams, so we'll click on them.
    These are the same reasons you don't put them up on Matrixsynth B: no one goes there and you make no money.
    Only thing obvious here is your greed.

  5. Matrix, long time fan. This more addictive than Slashdot.

    Perhaps indicating ebay source but not linking on Matrix-A. Link on Matrix-B.

  6. Threatening that the blogger is a scammer and that he faces legal messes and jail time.....HOLD the F*CK on...Obvious? Gross negligence? Them's some strong legal terms to be tossing around. Your guess is wrong Anony (not the guy right above me)...unless you are talking about ebay allowing others to steal entire auction listings and repost them on their site.

    BTW anonymous (I'm talking about that guy up there with top couple of posts...yeah you...I recognize your tone from other pseudo/quasi legally threatening posts from greatest hits past), two very important things....

    1) when you click on a fake auction, it's not like a fake auction site phishing for your info, it's on ebay, and if you are about to drop 3500 on an ARP or whatever (because the scam is never for the 35 dollar Arion pedal) you likely have been: a) reading this blog and others fanatically; b) know the day to day market fluctuations and valuations like a kid collecting baseball cards; and c)are pretty good at smelling scam.


    2) Matrixsynth and any other blog that lists auctions about synths has likely lead to a lot more scam thwarting. I personally have reported scam auctions because I clicked through a matrix post and gone "wow he missed this auction the first time" because it wasn't posted the first time, and then gone to Ebay, noticed that it was indeed that same VCS3 (for example) for the 3rd time - using the same photos, and emailed ebay security 2 or 3 times. I know I am not the only one who does this because many auctions disappear, as they should, before they end. I think this site has a lot to do with it.

    I do think that it would be fun to start a "Fake or not" vote when these auctions come up with the scammy 'call me or email me to buy it now' things.

    I just googled this: and they have all these blog poll insert codes. Other blogs I read regularly feature these. Kinda fun.

    So in sum, quit complaining and use the links to scam auctions as a way for us synth people to "keep our streets clean" and vote for me.

  7. dont get mad at matrix, hes just a computer program programmed to seek out the latest in synth news for all of us. :)

    really, if youre going to find fault in anyone, it should be ebay. ebay has become a horrible place with all the scammers and liars. ebay doesnt make it any easier, with their automated replies and reps who are often ineffective.

    matrix clearly deserves some kind of compensation for all his time and work, so its only reasonable that hes going to want to try to find someone kind of way to generate money entertaining us losers. :)

    matrix, because the quality and legitimacy of ebay items and sellers really varies, would it be possible to do less ebay and more synth CDs and book sales to generate income? maybe also a link to cool new products where you could get a commission? i think that may be a "safer" bet. No worries that people are going to be angry at YOU for their poor judgement or someone else's lies.

  8. Matrix: I take no responsibility for anything I do.
    Groupies: *insert irrelevant comments that skirt around the subject*... Matrix can I blow you next?

    Nothing new there.

    Matrix, if you take the pics for the pics alone, then don't post the auction links. If you post the links, check them, or get off your lazy arse and write a few measly words to protect your readers, you know, as if you actually gave a damn about them.

    "Seriously guys, do you actually want me to point something that obvious out? "

    If you don't take the time to make sure the auction is legit, or worse yet suspect that it IS a scam, and choose to direct your readers to it, YES I do think it's your responsibility take the time to warn newbies to beware, because you don't endorse the auction.

    Just a single sentence is all it would take, to save some poor n00b from getting duped.

    Sure, each person is responsible for their own mistakes, but that does not negate the fact that you are helping them make that mistake.

    "That would make the post crap."

    No, that would make the post more informative.

    "It's about the synths, the images and the info, not scams or other garbage."

    Then post the images and the info and leave the other garbage out. Don't bitch because of something you posted on your own blog.

    "who cares if he gets paid for click throughs"

    You missed the point. It's about getting paid for clicks AT OTHER PEOPLE'S EXPENSE.

    "if its not good enough, do your own fucking blog."

    Oh that one, again. Is it, like, the Law to say that shit whenever someone points out Matrix's shortcomings? Like I've said before (In a comment deleted by a gutless mod too scared to leave the truth in place) there are parts I like, and parts I don't, I comment on both.

    "that guy up there with top couple of posts"

    Fuck, you think you're clever huh. Actually I was the second and not the first. In that comment I even said that I was about to call the first comment a troll, and you're making out like we're the same guy? So much for your theory.

    "1) when you click on a fake auction"

    How about some n00b to the site who doesn't match your criteria? So much for that one.

    "2) Matrixsynth and any other blog that lists auctions about synths has likely lead to a lot more scam thwarting"

    And that has exactly NO bearing on this subject, which is what happens when people DON'T thwart the scam. So much for your whole post. All that typing and yet you said nothing. Next....

    "really, if youre going to find fault in anyone, it should be ebay"

    Damn right, ebay are fucking vultures. But again, that does not negate Matrix's role in all of this. If I had to find fault in any ONE person, it would be the scammer themselves. But in the real world, there is more than one person involved.

    "matrix clearly deserves some kind of compensation for all his time and work"

    All his time and work? Come the fuck on, even he admits (props for that at least) that he doesn't even read most of his own posts. If "all" included a vague hint that he might be concerned for his readers' welfare like say, a disclaimer, then there wouldn't be a problem here.

    Regardless, once again, the problem here is not that he is making money from the clicks, but that he does so at the potential expense of the welfare of his readers.

    So does ANYONE have any valid points to make?

  9. you at the least need to point out that it's a scam. Some people do fall for it. or the scammers wouldn't keep doing it. Do you really want to be responsible for helping them? That's all you're doing. I posted first, and was harsh about it, sorry. But seriously, you should at least alert folks if you're directing to a known scam.
    BTW: I don't care about you getting the clicks or whatever, I support that part.

  10. Matrix does this at work where he receives a salary. So not only does he get paid, he gets paid twice. Once by Ebay, once by his employer.

  11. Who cares what he gets paid or who by? So long as the content is good.

    When he's posting utter crap for the sake of posting it, or endangering someone's online security, that's another matter.

    (anon#2 again)

  12. That's the thing.
    The content often sucks.

    But I get a great laugh from these people that say "do it yourself if you don't like such and such."
    I mean, c'mon. Do these people complain at anything in their lives?
    If they get a bad meal at a restaurant, do they open a restaurant themselves?
    If a TV show sucks, do they produce their own?
    Stupid logic.

  13. This is you:

    Wow that synth is cool. Hey...that synth is fake...I think I'll call Matrix's readers 'groupies' and Matrix spineless...

    This is me:

    Dear Ebay,

    Scam. Scammity scamilla. Scimilly scam.

    Thank you,

    and then I do the following in a polite manner....

    Yo matrix,

    shits a scam, dog.


    See how much more productive that is....

  14. ill admit, i dont like the non-stop ebay posts cause i know most of the shit's broken if it even exists. but...

    anonymous complainers, you should identify yourself if youre going to be so critical of matrix, who does mean well. at the very least that way we can be just as critical of you when you start YOUR blog. :)

    yes, "all his time and work". sure, he reposts a lot of stuff, so it's not like he sits at it blogging 24-7, but updates take time, and he reads and comments. this all takes a decent investment or a lot more people would have similar blogs. yet they dont.

    the problem with pointing out when an auction COULD be a scam is that if it isnt, matrix could be negatively effecting someone's sale, in which case he could be held liable for that. or if not, he could have other problems with those sellers.

    who cares if matrix does this at the expense of his employer? so do a lot of people who read these blogs and participate in other online forums. i just hope its not my tax dollars thats paying their salaries! some people have down time at work. if matrix isnt doing his job, his employer will fire him.

    of course, if you dont like it here, WHY THE F are you here? go away, you ungrateful sack of anonymous shit! :)

  15. @10:18AM:
    It might be productive in the immediate sense, but in the long term it is counter productive as it doesn't stop it from happening again.

    For Matrix to check the posts, or provide a warning if he does not endorse the auction, is a long term solution.

    That's not to mention that someone who followed the link would have to wait longer to be warned that they had been linked to a scam. Comments are instant, and Matrix has made it clear that he is not time-rich. Nor does he make his email address available for notification in the posts.

    No, I did not "call Matrix's readers 'groupies'" - I wonder if it occurred to you that I am one of Matrix's readers? ;)

    I called Matrix's -groupies- groupies, and I was right that they'd get on my back, just look at the posts for yourself. Saying there aren't groupie fanboys around here would be like saying there are no critics.

    And Matrix does have a history of deleting posts that draw attention to his inaction or question his motives. I stand by my accusation that he's gutless, if he weren't, he would take some responsibility. Seriously how hard is it to quickly check the auction out, and/or include a disclaimer/warning?

    Both of those comments were made in relation to the way things are handled around here and were proven true. Deal with it.

  16. @11:44AM

    "you should identify yourself if youre going to be so critical of matrix"

    Why? What does my identity have to do with it?

    "who does mean well."

    I believe he does, just not well enough to swallow his pride to protect his readers. We're talking about a few lines of text here man, it's not a big ask. The intention may be good, but the actions don't show it.

    "at the very least that way we can be just as critical of you when you start YOUR blog. :)"

    That was a joke yeh? :) Text sucks sometimes ::)

    "yes, "all his time and work"."

    Like I said...If "all" included a vague hint that he might be concerned for his readers' welfare like say, a disclaimer, then there wouldn't be a problem here.

    I don't question that he works on the blog as you suggest, but point out that it's misguided effort if the blog is harmful to it's readers.

    "the problem with pointing out when an auction COULD be a scam is that if it isnt, matrix could be negatively effecting someone's sale, in which case he could be held liable for that. or if not, he could have other problems with those sellers."

    That's a good point (finally! THANK YOU!! Someone actually thinking about it!) But what's your logic lead you to? Protect the sellers, at the expense of the readers of the blog? :(

    If sellers have a problem with Matrix adding a disclaimer saying that he does not personally endorse the auction, but is only acting as an image collector, and that potential bidders should exercise the same caution as is always sensible in online auctions, then they're probably a scammer. There are 1000's of webpages out there warning of the dangers of online auctions in general, and a solution here would require nothing more than for the post to became one more.

    "who cares if matrix does this at the expense of his employer? so do a lot of people who read these blogs and participate in other online forums."

    Guilty as charged ;) hehehe

    "i just hope its not my tax dollars thats paying their salaries!"

    No way, I'd rather see it spent on matrix than a freakin war!!

    "of course, if you dont like it here, WHY THE F are you here? go away, you ungrateful sack of anonymous shit! :)"

    LOL... Wait, that was another joke right? :)

  17. Thanks for all the comments everyone.

    "the problem with pointing out when an auction COULD be a scam is that if it isnt, matrix could be negatively effecting someone's sale, in which case he could be held liable for that. or if not, he could have other problems with those sellers."


    Regarding the content:
    The blog is what it is and... it is just my blog. It's what I feel like putting up when I want to put it up. If you find reason to come back great. If not, no worries. This site isn't about me, it's just stuff about synths that comes in on a daily basis. Since I started this blog a lot of others have started up their own. Check out my blog roll on the right. I also frequently post to them. If you want a community blog where you have more control on what goes up, then join Synthwire and start posting.

    Regarding the inclusion of auction links:
    The auction links are interesting in that you can see what items sell for. You get to gage the current value of gear you might own or want to own based on supply and demand. You can see how many people are bidding. You can see who is selling it, what's their rating, feedback, what else do they have up for auction, etc. All of that stuff is only interesting to some people, so if you are interested, click through. If not skip it. You don't have to click or buy anything. You are in complete control here. Adding that level of detail to posts wouldn't make sense and again it would start to be about the auction and not the synth.

    Regarding the affiliate links:
    I'm curious. Why do you care? What impact does it have on the seller, buyer or you? Seriously, I want to know. If you think it has an impact on what I post, take a look at Matrixsynth-b and then take a look at Ebay. I don't post everything and I only post stuff I would post regardless of the source. Take a look at the flickr shots or other images people send my way. Look at the via link.

    BTW, regarding the via links, just because you aren't interested doesn't mean others aren't. Think about it. If I based my posting on what an individual thought, nothing would go up. : )

    When you bitch about the site, you aren't just bitching at me, but everyone that ever sent anything in and everyone that visits the site and yourself for that matter. You are coming back aren't you? What blows my mind away is that there are actually individuals out there who are so full of themselves, they think they have the right to dictate what others want. Think about that. If I listened to this one idiot, nothing would go up for anyone else. All the content people send me? Sorry, I can't put it up because I'm sure it will get trolled and you know that troll is right don't you? All bow before the troll. He knows what's best for all of us. He really does believe this you know...

    I'm just about to hit 2 million page views, and traffic is going up, so people obviously like what they are seeing. If you consider I get over 7k hits a day and there's only a handful of negative comments, all from anonymous comments you have to wonder... It's interesting to think there are people out there who do not value their time enough that they take the time out to come here and troll. As a friend of mine said, "see yah, wouldn't want to be yah."

    I'll continue pulling the offensive troll comments and leave the others up for our entertainment. Break out the popcorn folks, and thanks for the extra traffic trolls...

  18. "Bingo."
    He said, conveniently avoiding the counter argument.

    "You are in complete control here."
    He said, conveniently avoiding the counter argument.

    "Adding that level of detail to posts wouldn't make sense and again it would start to be about the auction and not the synth."

    How so? It makes perfect sense as pointed out above. Oh that's right, I forgot that you are conveniently avoiding the counter arguments.

    "When you bitch about the site, you aren't just bitching at me, but everyone that ever sent anything in and everyone that visits the site and yourself for that matter."

    What ARE you smoking?

    "You are coming back aren't you?"

    Like I said before, there are parts I like and parts I don't.

    Wow are you a bit slow or is it the aforementioned smoke, or is it just... oh yeh... conveniently avoiding the counter argument.

    "What blows my mind away is that there are actually individuals out there who are so full of themselves, they think they have the right to dictate what others want."

    Where did we dictate what others want?

    "Think about that."

    I am, and it's still not making any sense.

    "If I listened to this one idiot"

    One? Don't you get IP addresses from the posts? There's as many critics as fans commenting here. Actually I mentioned before that we weren't the same person... Oh yeh of course... conveniently avoiding the counter argument.

    "nothing would go up for anyone else."

    WTF? Why not? How does adding a short disclaimer/warning thingy prevent uploading posts?

    "All the content people send me? Sorry, I can't put it up because I'm sure it will get trolled and you know that troll is right don't you? All bow before the troll. He knows what's best for all of us. He really does believe this you know..."

    Oh the old "they don't agree with me and so I will call them a troll to justify my inaction." He said, conveniently avoiding the counter argument.

    "I'm just about to hit 2 million page views, and traffic is going up, so people obviously like what they are seeing."

    No kidding people like what they see, I provide one person's quota of those hits and continue to do so, cause I am one of them. But more hits is not a reason to avoid the disclaimer, more so a reason to include it. The more hits you get and the more auctions you link to, the more likely it is that someone will get ripped off. Do you actually care if one of your readers gets ripped off? Why are you arguing so vehemently against doing something to prevent it?

    "If you consider I get over 7k hits a day and there's only a handful of negative comments, all from anonymous comments you have to wonder... "

    Wonder what?
    There are only a handful of fans and only a handful of critics, what's your point? Are you implying that population reflects validity? Oh no, you're just conveniently avoiding the counter argument.

    "It's interesting to think there are people out there who do not value their time enough that they take the time out to come here and troll."

    I value my time enough to think it's a shame losing it trying to convince you to care about your readers enough to copy and paste a disclaimer. Nice try with the old troll thing again, but it won't help you to conveniently avoid the counter argument.

    "I'll continue pulling the offensive troll comments and leave the others up for our entertainment. "

    Maybe you'd like to define what you consider to be an offensive troll so that we can meet your guidelines. It's obviously not swearing cause that happens all the time here, is it just anyone who makes you look like a fool by making points that you have no response to except to call them a troll?

    "Break out the popcorn folks, and thanks for the extra traffic trolls..."

    Ahh the troll thing again. Come on matrix you can do better than that, it was lame the first time.

  19. He asked, conveniently avoiding the counter argument.

  20. There is no argument. We aren't coming to a consensus on this. Everyone has their own opinion. I don't dictate my opinions on others. This is my site and I put up what I want. I'm not going to change that for anyone.

    So, again, who are you? Your not able to stand behind your words publicly are you?

  21. id like to know who this troll is too. ill bet i know who it is! :)))) i think i know who this K-at is. and if its not him it could J-ust be someone else... or maybe i D-ont know afterall. but i think i do.

  22. "And Matrix does have a history of deleting posts that draw attention to his inaction or question his motives. I stand by my accusation that he's gutless, if he weren't, he would take some responsibility. Seriously how hard is it to quickly check the auction out, and/or include a disclaimer/warning?"

    An anonymous coward calling Matrix gutless. Funny.

  23. matrix, show everyone the trolls IP address.

  24. Nah, I'll let him remain a coward. I get a kick out of knowing he has to hide behind the anonymous tag. Chicken boc boc! Hah! Ba-cac!

  25. alright, so that no one calls me a "sack of anonymous shit" or a "coward" or "gutless" or any other iam, im not anonymous.

    so, why is this anonymous critic being so unfairly railed for pointing out a legitimate problem?? if matrix knows a post is a scam and still posts the scam and makes money doing so, then is'nt that aiding a scammer?? whats so hard with telling your readers that a post is a scam?? sounds to me like a classic case of getting defensive when someone calls you out on something you know is sketchy.

    i do like the matrix site a whole lot. if i want to see a variety of examples of old synths and whatnot, i can do that. although i never deal with ebay. i usually deal with craigslist to buy things locally.although on craigslist there are alot of scammers and folks asking for inflated prices for gear, but the craigs list readers (most of the time at least) never hesitate to point out over priced items and scammers. no body ever has a problem with that because it keeps the craigs list postings "honest" for the most part. so wheres the harm in asking matrix to simply let the readers know when a scam is a scam?? and please, the "that guy does'nt have a dick" quotes have really gotta go. how petty and taunting and high schoolish is the crowd thats luvs old noise making synths. the synths matter and so do the readers and the critics. grow up and try to say something like,"yeah, i can understand your frustration. maybe we should be looking out for one another when it comes to folks ripping us off."

  26. Feel free to post warnings in the comments. I don't deal with Ebay myself and rarely "police" the auction to see if it's legit or not. Anyone buying from Ebay should do that. Anyone considering picking up an item posted here is free to checko out the comments for warnings, so please do look out for each other. BTW, if you see images from a previous auction you see posted here, search for it to see if I put it up previously. If I did and it was an auction the link will be there. You can click on it and get more info from the previous auction. If you know an auction is bogus and I post it here, contact Ebay and let them know. As I said above, I'm just grabbing the images before they are gone. What is interesting is there now is a secondary use for these posts - you can search them to see if the images in new auctions were actually copied from a previous auction and you can see if the seller is the same or different.


Note: comments that insult people will be removed. Critique on gear is allowed. Do not ask if listings are still available. Click through auction links to check yourself. Posts and pics remain for historical purposes. To reduce spam, comments for posts older than one week are not displayed until approved (usually same day).


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