MATRIXSYNTH: Thomas Henry (a.k.a. Midwest Analog Projects) ADV-SNARE

Monday, April 09, 2007

Thomas Henry (a.k.a. Midwest Analog Projects) ADV-SNARE

via this auction.
"PCB for the Thomas Henry (a.k.a. Midwest Analog Projects) ADV-SNARE percussion generator. Includes a digital copy of the construction and schematic manual. Also includes the very rare LM566 Function Generator (Triangle / Saw) and two and two CA3080 Operational Transconductance Amplifiers. The rest of the items you will need (transistors, resistors, capacitors, solder, pots, wire, ic sockets, jacks and 1458 and 741 i.c.s) are all very readily available from any number of electronic sales outlets Once finished you have a fantastic DRUM source - it takes allmost any TRIGGER INPUT - from a microphone/piezo to a midi2gate converter. Panel controls include several building blocks. You have the SHell Generator, The Snares (noise) generator, the Impact Tone generator and Trigger conditioning circuits. Pots include Shell Volume, Shell Decay, Shell Modulation, Shell waveshape, Snares Decay, Snares VCF/Cut off, Snares volume, Impact Tone, Impact Volume - and several switches for modulation/pitch changes. Make allmost any drum sound you want! Snares, Kicks (808 boom), Toms, Hi hats, Cymballs, Devo beeps, its all here"

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