MATRIXSYNTH: Big Train Keith Emerson Sketch

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Big Train Keith Emerson Sketch

YouTube via grebmops

Previously via loonytunes1234. Yes!!! I heard about this a while back and have been periodically checking YouTube for it. Looks like Loonytunes-Life The Universe And Everything put it up. Awesome. BTW, if you like this, be sure to check out Big Train's cover of Roxy Music's Virginia Plain here, then search YouTube for Big Train in general.


  1. not bad. i especially like the bit about Crete.

    however, isn't Rick Wakeman the guy surrounded by keyboards? the only time Keith was "surrounded" by keyboards was the Brain Salad Surgery tour, other than that he's always had a couple to his left and a couple to his right.

    i must subtract points for not making any cracks about his Prince Valiant haircut.

  2. I guess its official... I like anything *and* everything synth. :o)

  3. OMG that was too funny. Palmer drownd in a lake and Lake is enslaved in Palmer, just great. Will not travel without his entire collection, and as usual the usual terms and conditions apply, brilliant. He should have had the full leather and rinestone suit on though, and had a dagger for stabbing into the keyboard.

  4. There's a silly Big Train sketch about farmers buying New Romantic singers at auctions.

    The best bits in the show were Chris Morris' few sketches, especially the nature documentary featuring the Artist Formerly Known as Prince.

    Have you heard this one, Matrix? It's a tour of the Synthesiser Museum, from Armando Iannucci's "Down Your Ear". This was originally hosted by the Cook'd and Bomb'd guys, but most of their media has been offline for a long time:

  5. Yeah, I have heard that one. Great bit. I posted it a while back.


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