MATRIXSYNTH: Duckon 2007 Singing Tesla Coil

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Duckon 2007 Singing Tesla Coil

video upload by kmelwing

"This is a solid-state Tesla coil. The primary runs at its resonant frequency in the 41 KHz range, and is modulated from the control unit in order to generate the tones you hear.

What's not immediately obvious in this video is how loud this is. Many people were covering their ears, dogs were barking. In the sections where the crowd is cheering and the coils is starting and stopping, you can hear the the crowd is drowned out by the coil when it's firing."

via HarriL. And then there was this.


  1. That's pretty big.

    I made one of those singing coils, but my circuit was not so good, and I kept blowing out IGBT's, and they're expensive. Instead of seeing the sparks out the coil, you see them jumping out of a hole burned in the IGBT. When I first saw that, I said to myself: "Crumbs."

    My Tesla Coil sits in the attic now -- the fat coil has sung.

  2. Now they just need to make a polyphonic version...I've heard of control voltage, but this is ridiculous!

  3. amazing work!!!

    let mass production commence

  4. holy crap in a hat. this has to be the coolest thing ive ever seen on the internet. ever.

  5. Hi,

    I may not be THAT familiar with the sound of a Tesla coil, even modulated, but the music I hear in the movie sounds pretty much like a "normal" synth to me...
    However, I love that and I will be delighted to be proved wrong here,

    Cheers, PIerre-André

  6. Thanks for the post.

  7. I was thinking the same as PIerre-André. And, the vid is too choppy to tell much of anything. Gota be much cooler than one of those reactables as long as it doesn't kill too many audiances.


  8. the sputtering in the beginning as it builds up charge is enough to make me think it's real. i never thought i would see and/or like accoustic electronic music.

    speech tesla coil now! i'm building a speak & kill!

  9. Does anybody know the name of the first song?


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