MATRIXSYNTH: Novation Supernova 2 Synthesizer in Hi-Fi

Monday, October 29, 2007

Novation Supernova 2 Synthesizer in Hi-Fi

YouTube via shaft9000. Sent my way via Mr. Array.
"These are patches I programmed myself, with the exception of the "Oh of Pleasure" arp which is a preset. All are played in single program mode w/ only the SN2's on-board effects, recorded direct with no EQ or compression into Sonar. The audio is then converted to mono for YouTube streaming. I figured most people would like to see and hear how well the SN2 emulates the synths it was designed to sound like : Jupiter & Juno, OB-Xa, MKS-80&70, Synthex etc Please do excuse the occasional bum note as I barrel my way through bits of Van Halen's "Jump", Tangerine Dream's "Beach Theme", Ray Lynch's "The Oh of Pleasure" and assorted improvisations. Apologies are in order for the writers and performers of said music; please forgive this crude satire.
All videos posted by Shaft9000 on YouTube are for demonstration purposes only. I have no affiliation with Novation or any other synthesizer manufacturer."


  1. Good video. That Novation sure sounds nice and versatile. That Obie emulation of "Jump" was spot on.

  2. Good own sounds(preset mostly suck)! I can agree with tone compares with Juno/JP after owning Juno 106 and Jupiter 6 few years ago. Same time I was using Nova(now SN 2). SN2 has now some nice additions like FM and upgraded fx (at least reverb).

  3. sn2 is just a plugin in disguise...


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