MATRIXSYNTH: Atari Synthcart

Monday, December 10, 2007

Atari Synthcart

via this auction
"custom [white] atari 2600 synth ! The bit crushing low end , this creates is unlike anything you've heard . This model is upgraded from the ones I normally sell . It has been custom painted and the controllers have been upgraded from the video touch pads and keyboard controllers that are available . The biggest and most essential add-on , is the MIDI2600 external kit from highly_liquid adding midi capabilities to this little bitcrushing Monster, without any other modifications . I have also added a 1/4 inch out put for easy use with amps, pa's mixers, computers , and more !! Thus making it perfect for many live and studio applications.

First off , I want to start out by saying that I believe in this machine. Its power is unbelievable ! The bass tone that this unit produces is one of the best I've heard. Sometimes I can't believe it's actually a 4-bit machine producing these tones. The cartridge was designed by a brillant man by the name of Paul Slocum . He's also created a cynthcart for the Commodore 64 and he's working on another cartridge for the 2600 called the Loopcart, that's actually going to be a sequencer for this machine. It should be ready by the end of the year. So you have even more to look forward to with this unit . With the synthcart you can do the following (as written on Mr. Slocum's website)

Play using an assortment of familiar Atari sounds
- Use two different sound types at a time, one assigned to each controller
- Intelligent voice management constantly re-assigns the two oscillators for maximum perceived polyphony
- 8th, 16th, and 32nd note arpeggiator
- Can arpeggiate both oscillators simultaneously
- Beat Box with many pre-programmed beats and fills
- Play two beats simultaneously to create custom beats
- Two tremelo settings
- Four attack/release settings

and now the hardware.....

oAtari 2600 fitted with a quarter-inch jack for easy use with amplifiers, PA systems and mixers
o2 upgraded controllers to play notes and drum patterns
o power supply
oSynthcart (brand new)
oOwner's manual/documentation for synthcart
o MIDI2600 kit w/ joystick extensions
o wired with a 1/4 inch output jack for easy use with PAs',mixers, amps, etc."

Update via wgungfu in the comments: "Its not a 4-bit system making these sounds, its an 8-bit. The 2600 is an 8-bit system."


  1. I wish the seller had used a larger font on his ad - the tiny text is hard on the eyes. Not. :|

  2. Hello
    I am looking for a synthcard for my atari 2600, as well as ad hoc controllers to play with it...but can't find them...
    Do you happen to know where I could by these materials ?
    thanks a lot !

  3. Its not a 4-bit system making these sounds, its an 8-bit. The 2600 is an 8-bit system.


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