MATRIXSYNTH: Principles and Practice of Electroni Music By Gilbert Trythall

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Principles and Practice of Electroni Music By Gilbert Trythall

via this auction

"Softcover and is 214 pages and is a 1st edition 1973. Some pretty cool pictures of some old synths in the back in the history section"

Features MOOG and ARP.

1 comment:

  1. this was the book my HS library had about electronic music. i think i read it over and over again about 50 times.

    large focus on the classical tape music studio, which is a really good grounding.

    this author also did an album called Switched-On Nashville which is probably one of the top 5 moogsploitation albums ever. vocal synthesis on "Fulsom Prison Blues" and his drum parts are among the highlights. the whole thing was done with the Moog: no studio band.

    that album is available legally at as a 25-song download. tons of extras.


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