MATRIXSYNTH: NUSofting Broken Drum Machine - BDM

Thursday, January 31, 2008

NUSofting Broken Drum Machine - BDM

"To the fact that the broken sound is desirable. Yes! Knobs turn for satisfaction defective!

Inspired by a combination of several old school beat boxes and the circuit-bending culture that revolves around cheap, and old, hardware musical instruments (such as the “toy” Casio and Yamaha keyboards of the 80s), Broken Drum Machine brings the lively, "ever changing", circuit-bent drum machine sounds to your DAW.

BDM is a plugin instrument designed for the musicians who love chaos and usually find the unpredictable behaviour of an uncontrollable sound machine stimulating and inspiring.

BDM offers four drum pads in the style of an old beat box- one each for Bass Drum, Snare, Hi-Hat and Stick. Each pad features the usual suspects for shaping the synthesized sound, including tone, decay, pitch, pan and gain. On top of the standard controls comes the broken factor - each pad features its own sliders for chaos and chance. Chaos sets the amount of variations to the original sound, and chance is the probability algorithm for the chaos to occur. By varying and automating the chaos and chance sliders, you can achieve a range of wild and unpredictable sounds, similar to creating glitches and bleeps by manipulating an analog circuit."

more info including audio.


  1. I really like the concept. Mac version please.

  2. I note the busted knobs... cute. (How do virtual knobs get busted?)


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