MATRIXSYNTH: Partikel Series #2 at the Goethe Institute

Monday, February 11, 2008

Partikel Series #2 at the Goethe Institute

"Partikel, a new venue for experimental electronic music and visuals performed in a theatrical setting will have its second installment in Los Angeles on Saturday March 1st from 8 – 11pm. Taking place at the Goethe Institute, 5750 Wilshire Blvd. Suite #100 in the Institute’s recently remodeled theater space. Admission is $15 and parking is free. Performing at this Partikel Series will be Lake of Sleep, Laura Escudé featuring Kathie Talbot, and after a short intermission, an evening with internationally known electronic musician Robert Rich. Visuals will be provided by Optical Light Pipe and Momo the Monster. A reception will follow the performances." You can find more info on the Partikel website. Pictured is Robert Rich and his MOTM modular.

1 comment:

  1. Are those 800 eg's modded with blue/green leds? I want that...


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