MATRIXSYNTH: genoQs updates

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

genoQs updates

News - Octopus OS v1.42 available, NewClassic picture book, Nemo development

"Dear all,
the last few weeks have been once again very busy over here. And these are the accomplishments:

* The resonance upon Nemo's announcement at the Messe was fantastic, and backed by the preorders we have recorded until early April. We are indeed much looking forward to the new "little" machine, that seems to become quickly our kids' new favorite. It's sure the size.. Plus, we are working hard to boost up some of the specs and prepare some nice little surprises for you by launch time.

* Octopus is seeing today a new release of the OS, now in version 1.42 (available now on our site in the download area). 1.42 is mainly a maintenance release, making the machine ready for the summer! Because we know the update procedure is not everyone's favorite, we also built in a few feature additions to help your update decision. Chords may span now up to three octaves, step pitches may become dynamic, and scale transposition comes with new qualities.
--> link

* Finally, we have compiled a new picture book featuring the NewClassic edition, which has grown fast to be the rightful heir of Legacy. The picture book is getting into some operational detail as well, making it an ideal starting point for those new to the world of Octopus.
--> link

Looking forward to the busy months ahead of us, and in the meantime wishing you all a terrific summer and fruitful musical creation!

Marcel + Gabriel


  1. counting down my nemo days...

  2. Counting down the hours until work ends and I can dump in the 1.42 update. These guys pour a lot of love into the sequencers.
    If the US dollar wasn't so shitty against the world currency, the Nemo would be so tempting.


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