genoQs Machines
"Six years after the last major OS release a new OS version for both Octopus and Nemo is here: the CE (Community Edition) OS v5.30 is now available!
It is yet another milestone moment and one in which we would like to pass all credit and our deepest gratitude to the group of CE OS creators and testers!
The new 5.30 release introduces a significant number of new features, additional workflow enhancements and a number of bug fixes:
Features and Workflow improvements (not comprehensive):
- On-The-Measure operations for Mute, Solo and Record
- New Page Cluster operations (Move, Copy / Paste & Clear)
- Track-Across-Cluster operations for Mute and Solo
- Enhanced Grid-Track Mode
- Dynamic Step Performance features
- Step Selection enhancement
- Effector enhancement
- Track Rotate of Step Skip condition
- Step Event Track Toggles
- Keyboard Transpose
Bug Fixes:
- Chord stacking using a keyboard can loose notes when inverting the root
- Effector Note Pool computations incorrect when using multiple Feeders
- Hypertrack Step VEL values inverting when offsets take their values below zero
- Using x1.5 Track Speed within a Track Chain causes timing errors
- Restarting a paused Track with a Speed multiple of >1 will Play the Track at x1 speed.
- Skipped Steps & Hypersteps not displaying properly in Step Zoom
- When sequencer is stopped, not possible to set track multiplier to 1/1.5.
The new OS is available at For support questions regarding the installation please refer to"