MATRIXSYNTH: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Monday, May 26, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

"Continuum performance by Randy Kerber, music by John Williams
Randy Kerber writes: As far as the synths used with the Continuum, I used a Reaktor 5 ensemble called Steampipe 2, and I also used a simple modular CV synth made by Analogue System. Using the continuum in mono mode alone, the instrument is so wonderfully expressive that I was very happy to have it in my arsenal. In respect to timbres used with the continuum: A string cluster(polyphony made possible by a Pitch Shifter plug-in from Logic 8)which started from very, very soft and crescendoed to fortissimo. A low pad with modulated filter cutoff(Y-axis). A filtered sawtooth wave in heavy reverb and multiple delays doubling woodwinds at times and french horns in one instance.

I'm very excited about working more with Reaktor. I am quite encouraged by the myriad of possibilities, both
from the program and certainly from the continuum.

I look forward to more music with your fabulous controller." You can find the audio here.

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