MATRIXSYNTH: Mind Meld 2008 via jk

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mind Meld 2008 via jk

via jk

"Images from a recent trip Richard Devine and I made to Duncan Laurie's Lab in Jamestown, RI. There we made music with fruits, vegetables, plants, rocks, our own muscles & brainwaves, and oh yeh, with other musicians as well.
Jeswa's Picasa Album
Flickr photostream from Peter Kirn (of Create Digital Music)
Mind Meld 2008 Site
Duncan Laurie

From the main page on
"This site documents efforts by artist Duncan Laurie, electrical engineer Gordon Salisbury and designer Todd Thille to develop and articulate art methodologies which employ subtle energy or engage Nature intelligence. 'Panpsychism' is a term employed to describe a world where consciousness exists at every level of matter. Our 'Rockstar' video is an attempt to illustrate this concept.

Radionics, an alternative healing technology, is explored as a methodology for visual art and design. Radionically based tools and techniques are presented that lend themselves to experimental art and multi-media praxis.

Experimentation by visiting artists ilustrates an ongoing exploratory approach to subtle energy. Currently featured is the sonification of small voltages produced by plants and minerals.

Two books by Duncan Laurie provide contemporary and historical insight into the experimental basis for our research: OUTLAW TECHNOLOGY (2006) and A SHORT HISTORY OF RADIONICS: INSIGHTS FOR ARTISTS WORKING WITH SUBTLE ENERGY (2007).

EXPERIMENTAL FACILITATION is a special section based upon the contributions of Gordon Salisbury, designed to provide a window into each type of device we have developed or employed experimentally." More pics and videos will follow...

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