MATRIXSYNTH: Mono Synth --- Poly Synth

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mono Synth --- Poly Synth

YouTube via btpro. via Waveformless.
"Using EML Polybox, you can make polyphonic sound with 1 VCO monophonic synthesizer.
Connection is Korg MS-10(1VCO synth) VCO out (customized) --- Polybox --- MS-10 VCF in"


  1. Seems to me that's multi-oscillator, not polyphonic.

  2. I still can't wrap my head around how this thing actually works?

  3. I'm pretty sure you connect the output of the oscillator into the PolyBox. The PolyBox then does some kind of Pitch to CV conversion. It then uses top octave chips to create the other pitches of the chord you select. Then you take the output of the PolyBox and feed that to the input of the filter in your synth.

    Lets say you select a major third interval on the PolyBox. If you play C on your monosynth you'll hear C and E. If you play G you'll hear G and B. etc... I think the Mono/Poly has a similar chord function where you select the chord and then play single notes that transpose the intervals.

    I think I just confused myself.

  4. Matrix: I thought you covered this already about 2 years ago :)



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