MATRIXSYNTH: SK-crooner VSTi Beta 1.0

Thursday, June 05, 2008

SK-crooner VSTi Beta 1.0

"Here is the initial version of SK-crooner. It is a vocal synth based on the 8-bit “human voice” patch from the Casio SK-1. I loved this sound when I was growing up … very spooky and unnatural.

Features include:
Two separate modes:
Original (modeled after the Casio SK-1) and Tone held (for long notes)
ADSR Amplitude Envelope
Vibrato with Rate and Depth
Filter control with Frequency and Resonance
Sample Rate and Bit Depth Crush
Variable Portamento
Master Volume Level
Reverb with Size, Depth and Width Control"
More info including amples and download here

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