MATRIXSYNTH: diy synth

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

diy synth

YouTube via Vtolus. Update: You can find additional info on SuN SyNtH
"my new diy synth based on voice changer chip. This small box can produce thousands variations of bleeps, noises, feedbacks, ring-mod sounds and drons. It can also process external signal - than it works like ring modulator, digitalizer or pitch shifter. It has 2 body contacts, pitch shifting knob, voltage knob and few switchers. In some mode it can be controlled as thermin, just by moving the hand behind. Also it has expression pedal input, audio in and audio out."

1 comment:

  1. Some intresting sounds in that. Be even better with some effects. The touch plates are a nice looking touch too. The sounds kind of remind me a bit of stuff from an Arp Odyssey when you get wild with it.


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