Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Roland SH-101 Reverse Keys, Modded
images via this auction
* VCF FM : Amazing new sounds are now added through this feature. Six FM sources are available.
* LFO Clock Input : Syncing the Arpeggiator and LFO to external drum modules and sequencers is now possible. As well, intersting feedback loops can be created.
* PW Modulation Source Selection : Now you can choose a pulse width source. It is independant from LFO's waveform setting. OSC source are included.
* Pulse width to near 0% : Pulse width effects are now made more extreme and powerful.
* External Audio Input : The ability to do FM of the VCF by an external audio source or to simply route a signal into the audio path is now provided. Don't forget feedback loops!!
* VCF CV Input : Just plug in a foot pedal or a CV from a midi convertor and your SH-101 will sing!
* LFO Rate Scalar : Ever hear a bell sound out of a 101? Try this on Hi!! Want a really slow got it too.
* Filter Overdrive : Filter cleaning knob as the filter is ovedriven at it's minimum setting and clean at max.
NOVA Mod Upgarded details :
Pulse width to near 0%
By closing the pulsewidth to a spike, new sounds can be attained by the SH-101. This spike wave source is very useful for brightening a bass patch. (A bass patch, with only the sub OSC waveform assigned, can be brightened, but not raised in pitch, by adding a little pulsewidth signal with a manual setting of less than 1% duty cycle.) In another application, in which only full ramp waveform is assigned, manually raising and lowering the spike waveform's amplitude has been compared to sounding like a wavetable sweep. As well, LFO mudulation of the pulse width is made dramatic because of the closer approach to 0%.
Pulse width Modulation Source Selection
A six way rotary switch enable you to chose the pulsewidth modulation sources independantly of the LFo waveform setting. This modulation source makes many new and interesting sounds. A randomly modulated pulsewidth is especially unique and pleasant. The PW modulation sources are : LFO Triangle / LFO Square / LFO Random / Sub OSC -1 Octave Square / Sub OSC -2 Octave Pulse / LFO Noise. The SUN OSC Mod sources creates a unique bass enhancement because of their higher frequency and keytracking. The result is a richer and deeper sound. As well, although there are only two sub OSC sources, changing the sub OSC swithce -1/-2/-2 results in even further modulation effects.
LFO Rate Scalar
A three way toggle switch scales the overall range of the sh-101's internal LFO Clk (the existing LFO rate slider still functions normally). The scalar settings are Normal/Low/High. In the Low setting, a cycle of 30 seconds can be attained. This is great for mild changes in TRANCE type music. In the High mode, up to 1200Hz can be used to create interesting cross-mod bell like sounds. Perfect for Industrial music and clanging metalic sounds. High mode works especially well when creating a synthetic kick drum patch or short-wave radio sounds.
LFO Clock Input
A 1/4" jack allows the insertion of an external clock signal to drive the 101's LFO. This injected signal trigger the LFO but does not change it's waveform. By applying clock, LFO AND arpeggiator are both synced to the external source. This makes for very moving and groovy patterns with only a drum box and NOVA MODED 101. A particularly nice application is to modulate the VCF Cutoff with a random LFO while playing the sequencer. Of course you can, at the same time, inject a seperate clock into the arpeggiator via the 101's Ext CLK in Jack. This will enable you to run the arpeggiator and LFO at different speeds. As a bonus, audio can be injected to drive the LFO. A simple trick is to patch the headphone output into the EXT. LFO Input. This feedback loop makes for sounds that can be mildly distorted be simply adjusting the VCF's Mod amount ( No need for an external distortion processor!!!) This effect is great for slow sweep with a resonating filter setting. Very minimoog-ish.
External Audio Input
A 1/4" jack and toggle switch allows external audio to be injected. A rotary pot controls the amplitude of the injected signal. It can be routed to one of two source. 1./ directly into the filter along with the OSC 's waveforms. External processing of audio through the VCF and ENV is a typical feature on some synths however a seperate trigger can be applied to fire the SH-101's envelope. 2./ intot he VCF's cutoff modulation point ( An external FM source).
VCF CV Input
An external CV can be applied to the 101 via this 1/4" jack. This feature is typical on a Juno-60, Jupiter 4 and Pro One. A midi converted to a CV or an "expression" foor pedal are typically connected here.
VCF FM is the most powerful NOVA-MOD feature. It can be used in moderation to simply add brightness to a bass patch with low frequencies (due to subtractive synthesis). Or it can be used to creat powerfull cross-mod sounds that are difficult to explain... they must be heard. These sounds are somewhat aggressive, distorted, bell like but most importantly, not attainable on a regular SH-101. There sounds are similar to those heard on a MiniMoog with its third LFO assigned. One example : Dial a patch with only a ramp waveform assigned but at the same time, modulate the VCF Cutoff with the Pulsewidth. Manually change the pulsewidth to vary the FM effect. It is quite unique. You can then switch in Sub OSC -2 OCT. Pulse as the FM source then adjsut the -1oct/-2oct/-2/oct switch to change the sound futher. Finally swing the Pulsewidth waveform as the FM source but switch from Manual to LFO modulation and then play with the PW Mod's waveform. A rotary pot controls the amount of modulation. A six way rotary switch selects the FM source : Pulse waveform / Ramp waveform / -1 Octave Sqr waveform / -2 Octave Sqr waveform / -2 Octave Pulse waveform / Noise waveform. As well, although there are only two sub OSC sources, the sub OSC switche -1/-2/-2 changes the sound, giving even more variety.
Filter Cleaning
Filter cleaning knob as the filter is ovedriven at it's minimum setting and clean at max. This gives a far better response curve."
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