Sunday, September 14, 2008


You can find everything Böhm at Böhmworld.
The site is in German. You browse the site in Googlish here.
Anyone know if they are the same company that brought us the Boehm SoundLab? I did a quick search on the site and didn't see it.

Note that Böhm also brought us the hobbytron. via Wulfhard:
"This was a DIY-kit "to make appetite" for the bigger Boehm-organs and for testing your solder skins, because Dr. Böhm organs where sold as kits. So if you finished the "Hobbyton", you could start with a kit of a "Starsound" or other real ones - rather optimistic, if you look at the guts" You can hear an mp3 of it here.

Also via Wulfhard:
"This crazy guy [crazy is a good thing :)] got a 1977's kit of a Dr. Böhm Organ in the year and built it up in 2006-2007 (Dr. Böhm got bankrupt in 1990 at the end of the home organ boom - it's said that they had more work on repairing failed DIY-kits than selling new ones...)

The 3x keyboard is made of 3000 pieces already - complete organs could be 30.000 pieces in total (at the price of a Mercedes Benz). But they could be build up in chunks, for example one manual and one oscillator first - you received the kit parts in a kind of subscription. It's not known how many begun kits are rusting in german cellars...."

1 comment:

  1. seems to be the same company.
    german site synrise has a listing of all their products (in german, so usa google translate if it doesn't make sense to you)


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