MATRIXSYNTH: AH Bay Area and PNW Synth Gatherings This Saturday

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

AH Bay Area and PNW Synth Gatherings This Saturday

AH Bay Area Gathering Info
"There *will* be a raffle with the proceeds going to the Moog Foundation, and they have some goodies that they're sending out as raffle prizes. If you have anything you'd like to donate to a good cause, please bring it, I [Brandon] will have Moog Foundation thank you notes that can be filled out if you need proof of donation. Bring some cash for raffle tickets!

There will be a few new modules making their debut at this event, so don't miss it!"

It will be at:
120 Independence Dr
Menlo Park, CA 94025

PNW Synth Gathering (Pacific Northwest in the Seattle Area)
"This year the meeting will be in the K-Quad, K203 and K204. Original post updated."

The Mattson Mini Modular (MMM) will make an appearance - a few systems will be there.

1 comment:

  1. so is PNW doing a Moog Foundation raffle??

    or at least setting out a collection can?


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