MATRIXSYNTH: Voltage Controlled Deathillator

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Voltage Controlled Deathillator

"Not sure exactly what to classify this as... Its a 16-minute recorded tweak session on a modular analog synth. Watch your speakers/headphones/ears near the end, it gets a little crazy.

For the synth-heads, modules featured prominently:
2x Livewire AFG
2x Plan B Model 13 Dual Timbral Gate (both gates used on both modules)
Plan B Model 28 Programmable Tap Clock (driving everything in here timing-wise)
Harvestman Malgorithm
Harvestman Polivoks VCF
Harvestman Stilton Adapter with Boss DD-7 with tap-tempo pedal on the DD-7 to sync it with the Model 28

Be careful with your speakers/headphones/ears near the end!"

1 comment:

  1. Very Nice, I liked that, not the blippity blipping of many other modulars, not slamming anybody, my modular work needs work to make mine less blippity plippy ---good sound track tension...


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