Friday, February 20, 2009


Salamander Slime Melody from BLCLONES on Vimeo.

Salamander 2 Demo from BLCLONES on Vimeo.

salamander demo 3 from BLCLONES on Vimeo.

via this auction via the forum.
"The front panel is Lexan.
These are the sections
(1) LM13700 based Filter
(1) LM13700 based VCA
(1) LFO. It can do audible speeds. Square, Saw, Ramp, Triangle shapes. this has an LED indicator also.
(1) Attack, Release Envelope. This has an LED indicator also (indicates when gate signal is inputed)
(1) Portamento, It can do exaggerated portamento.
(1) MIDI-2-CV converter in 1v/oct format. There are outputs(PITCH/GATE) so you could use this as a converter for your other gear.
(1)+/-12v regulated power supply with exaggerated DC power Filter Cleaning for this synth.

There are (17) slide switches to either turn on/off a modulation patch or decide between something like for example white or pink noise.

The PCB was CNC pro Manufactured and has Solder mask to last a very long time. The unit is almost wireless, the only wiring is for the jacks. The pots are directly on the PCB, this results in very accurate and fast response.
The internal power supply is using 11000uF for each rail (+/-12v), that's (10) 2200uf CAPS total. This is really cleaning the POWER!"


  1. I would like to purchase one in april does this guy have a website?

  2. Good question. I don't know if he does. I see his stuff on forums and YouTube mostly. If you click on any of the auction links you can click on other items from this seller to see what he has listed. If you click on the forum link in this post you should be able to find and contact him as well.

  3. Excellent builder - I have his Polivoks and love it. The filter is more flexible and almost a modular mini synth on its own. Electronics build is first class. Box is cheap but has utility and its own elegance to it. Flav' modded mine for a reasonable price and made it even more flexible than before. Quick tunr around and quality guy.

  4. I purchased one via ebay earlier this year. $250 well spent. He does have a website but no synths as of yet:

    Great person to talk to as well....


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