MATRIXSYNTH: Announcing the 2010 Bob Moog Foundation Calendar

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Announcing the 2010 Bob Moog Foundation Calendar

via The Bob Moog Foundation.

This would make a great stocking stuffer.

"The Bob Moog Foundation has created a calendar celebrating the rich history of the Moog Legacy through vintage photos, memorabilia, quotes and information taken directly from Bob’s archive. The photos trace pivotal moments in Bob’s early career and highlight many musicians and pioneers who inspired his work. Throughout the calendar, which is laden with images of early Moog instruments, Bob’s thoughts and philosophies about his work are shared in an effort to give greater understanding to his history and path; his was one of collaboration, listening and absolute dedication to musician’s needs.

The calendar is comprised of five photos of Moog himself, taken from 1958-1974. The remaining photos are of:
* Leon Theremin
* Vladimir Ussachevsky
* Herb Deutsch
* Keith Emerson
* Paul Beaver and Bernie Krause
* Isao Tomita
* Joel Chadabe
* Roger Powell

The calendar was designed by graphics artist Rose Hecht in collaboration with the Bob Moog Foundaton. Through her designs, Rose pays hommage to the original Moog modular synthesizer as the instrument that spawned an industry and radically changed the face of popular music. The background of every page touts panels of knobs and patchbays — images taken from photos of an early modular that was used in Moog’s shop in the 60s. That instrument is one of the many priceless items in Moog’s archives.

The calendar is available for purchase on our online store. All proceeds go to fund our ongoing projects, including the preservation of the archives."

"What a beautiful, informative, and intricately detailed document the 2010 Bob Moog Foundation Calendar is! The rarely — if ever before — seen photos are outstanding, so much so that in 2011 I may extract and frame many of them for my studio walls. On second thought, the calendar as a whole will end up in my archives; I promise no scissors will ever touch it. Also extremely cool and drool-worthy are the Moog Modular images in the background. Well done! I can hardly wait for the 2011 edition." -- Mark Vail

Update: In case you attempted to purchase a 2010 Bob Moog Foundation Calendar and were unable to, the calendar is now available for purchase on the Bob Moog Foundation online store.

1 comment:

  1. This is probably the first calendar with Beaver and Krause I will own! Maybe the last ...?


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