MATRIXSYNTH: Tuvan Throat Singing & Theremin

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tuvan Throat Singing & Theremin

YouTube via copperleaves

"Here is a short improv for Tuvan/Mongolian throat singing (a style known as "khoomei") and MIDI theremin. The instrument you see me holding in the video is called a "morin xuur" or "horse fiddle". It is normally played with a bow but in this composition I pluck the strings and also drum my fingers on it to play rhythmic patterns. I'm afraid I'm not a particularly good throat singer, but I do enjoy doing it a lot and I greatly admire the Tuvan and Mongolian musicians who are the real masters of it.

The MIDI theremin you see in this video is the Moog MIDI Ethervox."

Be sure to see Huun-Huur-Tu - Live

1 comment:

  1. way cool but is he using autotune on the theremin ?? those are awfully precise runs


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