MATRIXSYNTH: OpenSoundControl breadboard feat iPhone

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

OpenSoundControl breadboard feat iPhone

YouTube via MusicMiK

"Another quick hack...

Saturday afternoon - started to implement a chip driver for the ENC28J60 and basic IPv4 stuff. Sunday evening, ICMP (ping) and ARP worked fine, and even if the job used up most of the time yesterday and today (Tuesday), i had a working simple TCP socket this morning.

This evening, it took about 2 hours to hack together UDP support and some simple OSC message parsing.

So all in all - IP and OSC are really simple to implement, all this should also be no problem with an AVR MCU, and if i optimize memory usage, even a small ATmega168 or so might do the job. Everything is coded in C++ and with all the display stuff with graphics routines and lots more of garbage in the firmware, i currently get about 37KB code size on the ARM7TDMI used in this setup.

Imagine what's possible. Sure, OSC-MIDI is easy going. But how about controlling your home using the iPhone? Turning on and off the lights, studio gear, anything. I think, i will soon throw away the remote controlled power outlets and make a 19" 1U rackmount unit with some OSC features to control power of my gear.

Maybe the MonoMiK even gets more than MIDI. USB is quite sure, Ethernet would be also interesting now. A true analog synth with Ethernet? Why not? :)

Sorry for the blurred overall image, my camera can't re-focus during video and i set the focus for the details."

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