MATRIXSYNTH: Sweetwater - Korg nanoKontrol & nanoPad on Moog Little Phatty & Korg R3

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Sweetwater - Korg nanoKontrol & nanoPad on Moog Little Phatty & Korg R3

YouTube via SweetwaterSound
"More info:
A unique demo of tricks you can pull of with Korg's affordable nano series controllers. In this video, Daniel Fisher uses the nanoKONTROL and the nanoPAD alongside synths from Moog and Korg plus the B4II organ plug-in from Native Instruments. Don't miss the trick with the nanoPAD's trackpad at the end."


  1. I was given a Korg NanoKey as a present (from Sweetwater). It's a very cheap piece of crap, and gives me double key messages. One key has to be repeatedly pressed to function. I do NOT recommend you buy it.
    Nice job Daniel.

  2. I have the NanoPad and NanoKontrol and love them both. Can't beat them for the price and the amount of control they add to a small studio. I passed on the NanoKey because I didn't find it as useful. Thanks Daniel. Just downloaded the MIDIPipe app and about to teach my Phatty some new tricks.


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