MATRIXSYNTH: Vintage KORG MS-20 Analogue Mono Synth

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vintage KORG MS-20 Analogue Mono Synth

via this auction

"you're looking at an original and rare vintage 1979 Korg MS-20 Analogue Synthesizer. One of the greatest sounding, twin VCO monosynths of all time. Low Pass and High Pass filters, Pitch to CV convertor, great for feeding drum machine, vocals, guitars...etc into..Semi-modular patch panel..great for sound creation, manipulation.

Very rare Euro power 220/240 volt version. Can be converted to 120 Volts if the need arises."

1 comment:

  1. Just thought I'd say it's unlikely this is from 1979 as this is the version with the later filter type


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