MATRIXSYNTH: circuit bent kawai k1m vector synth by spunkytoofers

Thursday, April 15, 2010

circuit bent kawai k1m vector synth by spunkytoofers

via this auction

"-module in excellent cosmetic and functional conditon

-all connectors and moving parts in audio path cleaned and relubricated

-internal battery has been replaced with a battery clip and new battery. the clip allows easy replacement of internal lithium battery by the user. battery should last 10-15 years.

-1 getlofi precision oscillator to control sample rate via added fluted tophat knob

-1 switch selects precision oscillator or original clock

-1/4" trs jack for expression pedals or midi control via spunkytoofers midi modules

-vintage red pilot lens with chrome base

-24 point banana jack patchbay. all bends have been carefully selected for stability and responsiveness to sound design

-8 point jack bay for switching with 4 switches. for on/off of bends. all points are color coded for ease of use

-8 stackable banana cords provided

-pdf manual, bend diagram, and k1m sound banks emailed to winner

-power supply provided for those in north american countries. those in other countries will need to supply their own 12 volt, 500ma adapter negative tip

the kawai k1m is a hybrid synthesizer that relies on pcm sampling and additive synthesis based on harmonics. it's sound can be morphed via the vector joystick. this blend of synthesis along with circuit bending makes for a truly special and unique synthesizer that would be impossible to achieve otherwise.

under midi you have multi-timbral control, aftertouch, modulation, pitchbend, split points and other features that make this a musical instrument. this puts this in a league beyond circuit bent toys. truly a circuit bent musical instrument.

all bends have been carefully selected and are completely stable.

in the video demo below you'll notice i've setup all the bends under midi. the k1m's bends are open ended and can be controlled under midi with spunkytoofers midi modules. all instruments by spunkytoofers have been redesigned to be a modular system which can be controlled or intermodulated with one another. the k1m gives you complete manual, analog controls over the bends but all instruments are designed to be controlled under midi. on the k1m the bends can be modulated by sequencing or triggering over midi and the sample rate control can be modulated either by footcontroller or outputs from a spunkytoofers midi module freely assignable from midi cc's, notes, etc.

along with the instruments ability to be fully controlled under a midi modular system all instruments are also supported. i will back my work for free warranty work and will assist customers with any instrument they purchase from me as they are instruments i work with in my music performance and sound programming.

the video below demonstrates very simple setup under midi. the pads on a akai keyboard controller are used to toggle bends on and off under midi. this would be the same as manual control over bends except that it's easier for me to trigger the bends all from one controller. the banana cords are routed from spunkytoofers midi matrix module to the k1m's banana jacks. the midi module is also sending potentiometer control over midi to the k1m at the 1/4" trs jack with a sequence from the dave smith evolver and via midi mod wheel on the keyboard for more variation. please note i choose to modulate the module under 10k control. this can accept any value foot controller or potentiometer value beyond 10k and is capable of a much larger range of control. no effects are applied and the k1m is recorded direct from the module's output."

circuit bent kawai k1m vector synth

previously posted


  1. A good thing the guy wore headphones, otherwise his neighbours might have thought the aliens were coming. Then again, who knows, maybe he listened to some good sounds in the phones. ;)

  2. what did this go for? Can't find the link on ebay. I have a K1m. What a cool collection of modifications!


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