MATRIXSYNTH: Waldorf Pulse - Analogue Synthesizer

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Waldorf Pulse - Analogue Synthesizer

via this auction

"- Three Analogue Oscillators with variable waveforms pulse with variable pulse width (saw, triangle and cross modulation)
- Oscillator sync
- Waldorf 24 dB lowpass filter with resonance up to self-oscillation, frequency range 25Hz to 35kHz.
- 100 programs, divided into 59 ROM presets, 40 user programs and one random sound
- Two envelopes each with selectable trigger modes
- Two LFOs with different waveforms (triangle, sin, saw, pulse and sample&hold)
- LFO frequency range from 0.008 Hz up to 261 Hz
- Internal Arpeggiator (tempo from 50bpm to 300bpm and 16 predefined rhythm patterns)
- All parameter changes sent/received as MIDI controller
- Four routable modulation units with adjustable source, amount and destination
- Six knobs and four buttons for convenient editing
- 19" 2HE Rackmount
- Stereo Line out
- MIDI In/Out/Thru"

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