MATRIXSYNTH: The End of JazzMutant and the Lemur

Monday, November 15, 2010

The End of JazzMutant and the Lemur

via JazzMutant
"Since 2002, JazzMutant has been a acknowledged pioneer in the field of Creative Computing and Multi-touch technology, being the first-ever company to develop and bring to the market a product featuring a multi-touch screen as early as 2005. Since its market launch, the Lemur has been endorsed by a fascinating community of music and video artists. Nine Inch Nails, Richard Devine, Hot Chip, Ritchie Hawtin, Matthew Herbert, M.I.A, Mike Relm, Alva Noto, Ryuchi Sakamoto, Daft Punk, Bjork, ... : The list of prestigious and influent artists who have made the Lemur their favorite pet companion on stage would be way too long to be mentioned here. Its visionary concept and groundbreaking technologies allowed the Lemur to win numerous international press awards and was recently elected "Innovation of the decade" by Future Music.

During five years and despite the new fever surrounding touch technologies, the Lemur remained the only Multi-touch device capable to meet the needs of creative people. From now on, this ecosystem is evolving quickly : powerful consumer tablet devices are becoming mainstream, bringing the power of multi-touch to everyone. In the meantime, JazzMutant, renamed Stantum in 2007, has become a technology-centric company and developed partnerships with tier-one industrial partners to speed up this democratization. As a result, the need for a high-end dedicated hardware is doomed to vanish in the near future. This is why Stantum is announcing today that it will close its JazzMutant activity unit and stop selling its legendary Lemur Multi-touch hardware controller at the end of December while the stock lasts! The last batch of Lemurs just came out of the factory. These very last units are now available at a special discounted price from JazzMutant's webstore and from its authorized distributors and retailers. These very last units are now available with 25% discount! Moreover, the Dexter App and an original Lemur T-shirt will come along for free. Don't miss this last opportunity and grab the legendary Lemur from authorized retailers while the stock last! The Technical support and after sale service will be handled until December 31, 2011. The jazzmutant website will stay online in order to let the user community access support resources and share their projects.

We would like to thank all the people involved in this fantastic adventure: first of all the user community which exceeded our wildest expectations in creating the most amazing templates; our devoted resellers, who helped us to show the Lemurs all over the world; finally music software editors for their support."


"1. What will be the future of the company? Is Jazzmutant planning to launch any new hardware/ software versions next year?

JazzMutant, renamed Stantum in 2007, has become a technology-centric company and developed partnerships with tier-one industrial partners. The company will focus all its efforts on R&D projects in order to remain the pioneer on the multi touch technology market. The JazzMutant division will cease to exist on January the 1st 2011. All commercial, marketing and development activities related to the JazzMutant music product will not be continued after this date. That naturally means that there will not be any new product under the JazzMutant brand in the future. Technical support and after sales service will be continued until the January the 1st 2012.

2. Until when can I buy my Lemur ?

You may order directly from Jazzmutant's web-store until December the 31st, subject to availability. The Lemurs will also be available via our authorized dealers' network until their stock last.

3. What about the warranty if I buy my Lemur now?

Don't worry! Stantum will respect all Jazzmutant legal obligations and we will handle after sales service until the warranty period of the last lemur sold has expired.

4. Who can I contact, in case any problem with the gear appears?

Technical support and After Sales Service will be continued until the end of 2011. All you need to do is to contact

5. What about the Lemur community? Will it still be available via Jazzmutant website?

Yes, will stay online in order to let users share their projects and discuss their ideas. You will still be able to download templates and the software/ firmware themselves, in case you need to reinstall your gear.

6. Will there be any new updates for the Lemur firmware?

No. Lemur v2.03 is last and final version of the firmware.

7. Will there be any update for the Dexter app in 2011 ? Will it still be available for sale?

There will not be any further updates for the Dexter app. It's now become free for all users.

8. How can I get a free Dexter App?

All you need to do is to register your Lemur before December 31st and you will be able to download it directly from your user account (at, User Area section). If you can't see it, please contact or and tell us your Lemur's Serial Number. We'll take care of it.

9. Will there be any update for Mu in 2011 ?

No. The official Mu 1.1 version will be the last and final update for Mu.

10. Is there a chance to see the Lemur code become open-source?

The Lemur application is based on a proprietary API (Application Program Interface), which Stantum is permanently developing and which we use for most of our on-going software projects. As far as we have no plan to make this API publicly available, the Lemur app is unlikely to become open-source anytime soon."


  1. i can see why there is an ipad tag here.

    well, let's hope they'll make something new.

  2. I don't quite get why they haven't developed an ipad app. The possibilities of touchosc is far inferior to those of the lemur.

  3. didn't they say somewhere they're working on one?


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