MATRIXSYNTH: Santa came early...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa came early...

via Brian Kehew:

"Just got this in... very excited. I had seen and played the prototype, but it's even nicer on the final released version. Cyril Lance had mentioned they went for an "upgrade" on the wood - and it is much nicer quality than my old Voyager. It looks a lot more like the wood on early Minimoogs from the 70-72 era, which I think were the most attractive ones.

Looking forward to putting it through it's paces soon... "


  1. Hi Brian,
    Hope all is going great for you, I havn't talked to you for ages. Enjoy the XL, and have a great holiday season.
    Mike Metz
    Thesis Audio Service

  2. Oh, so fair. Obviously Brian was involved with the design so it wouldn't be like it is when a regular Moog customer gets his or her hands on this prize. At the 5grand price point, shouldn't it have the backlights?

  3. At the $5K price point, it oughta play more than one note at a time. And yes, it should have backlights. Has Moog forgotten how to innovate, or do they just recycle the same ideas?

  4. could not disagree more. there's lots of room for high quality mono synths.


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